80-year-old bodybuilding enthusiast Nora Langdon, recently proved that age is no bar to achieving one’s dreams.  Cheered on by onlookers, Langdon deadlifted 310 lbs with tremendous strength. Her prowess amazed thousands of fans who praised the veteran on Instagram.
While some fans implied how Langdon broke the false perception that deadlifting is harmful, others wrote heartwarming comments about how the fitness enthusiast inspired them. Training at Michigan’s Royal Oak gym, the 80-year-old gave her 100% to perfect her squatting, deadlifting and benchpresses. But what was Langdon’s goal behind bodybuilding as a veteran?

Nora Langdon’s story and unconventional dream that motivated millions

After crossing the age of 60, Langdon desired a change and took to bodybuilding. Trained by her husband’s friend Art Little, Langdon spared no effort to do her best, which bore unbelievable results. Debuting in the 2006 Powerlifting State championships when she was 64 years old, Langdon won a gold medal for her powerlifting prowess. An unstoppable force since, Langdon secured more than 15 national and international records in the Masters division. However, this is not all.
Langdon has also accomplished an exceptional feat of lifting 413 pounds while squatting and 381 pounds while deadlifting.  According to Barbend, Langdon’s goal is to lift 500 pounds. The veteran also wishes to inspire other women to attempt similar feats like her. On the same note, her recent Instagram post which shows her deadlifting shows how she has definitely moved thousands of fans’ hearts to the core.

Impressed fans can’t resist reacting to the 80-year-old’s bodybuilding feat

One fan stated, “What a legend.”  Later, another fan also commended Langdon warmly by saying, “Great lift young lady….proof strength doesn’t equal athlo.” Later, a fan added, “And they say lifting heavy weight will ruin the joints.” Clearly, Langdon has proven this assumption wrong, showing how nothing is impossible.
Afterwards, a fan passed a cheeky comment, “Don’t mess with that grandma!” Further, one driven fan penned, “SMH I’m going to the gym right now! F**kin badass ma’am.” Post this, a user steered the comments thread in another direction by saying, “Bet she has the best behaved grandkids ever.” Clearly, fans are loving Nora’s deadlifting and can’t resist reacting to her strength.
Fans’ comments prove how Nora’s toughness and courage have deeply influenced them. Did you feel motivated after seeing 80-year-old Nora Langdon deadlift? Share your thoughts in the comments section.