
New wave, modern rock music, shoulder-padded power suits, dramatic jewelry, and acid wash jeans. All this made the 1980s one of the most iconic decades in recent history. While the people enjoyed a revolutionary new era of trends, pop culture wasn’t too far behind. Hollywood saw the emergence of a flurry of new-age action films dominated by two men — Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone.

The duopoly naturally turned into a rivalry over who was the bigger action icon. As years went by, Schwarzenegger and Stallone became close friends and even starred in movies alongside each other. After some turbulent times in Sly’s recent life, the duo has once again collaborated for a special occasion.


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Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone unite to send a spooky wish

Nearly two months ago, Sylvester Stallone and his wife, Jennifer Flavin, filed for divorce. A month later, the couple reconciled and dismiss their divorce. Having undergone a rough couple of months on the personal end, Sly would have been seeking a more peaceful and enjoyable future. In a step in the same direction, Stallone reunited with his professional rival, turned close friend, Arnold Schwarzenegger. And the reunion also had a special wish for all the fans.


In an Instagram post on Schwarzenegger’s feed, the duo wished their fans a “Happy Halloween.” The two-worded caption accompanied a ‘two-pumpkin’ image. Arnold and Sylvester had a combat knife each, which they used to carve the eyes and mouth out of their pumpkins.

READ MORE: “Waiting in Line Behind Me”- Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone’s Sparkling Bromance Once Continued by Lying Next to Each Other in Hospital Beds

Rambo and The Terminator with combat knives in their hands. Surely the bad guys are all running away and hiding in a bunker somewhere, no? But the fans loved the photo as two of their favorite action heroes collaborated, yet again, for a special wish.

Schwarzenegger & Stallone — ‘Frenemy’ Posterboys

The story of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone has always been a source of entertainment. A relationship that started with professional rivalry eventually became one of close friendship.


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via Imago

In the 80s, the rivalry between the two actors grew so much that they tried ‘one-upping’ their counterparts in every new movie. If one slayed ten bad guys, the other would get the better of twenty. If one used a semi-automatic weapon, the other would use a fully automatic one. Things grew so intense that they even started tricking each other into doing terrible movies just to come off as the winner in an eternal struggle.

WATCH THIS STORY: Arnold Schwarzenegger vs Sylvester Stallone Rivalry- Who Drew the First Blood


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But as time went by, the two came closer and now share a beautiful friendship. A friendship worthy of a buddy comedy film, if there was to be one.