
The 2022 animated Horror-comedy series, ‘Little Demon,’ is one of Disney’s most popular series. The series caught the spectators’ attention not only because of the show’s storyline but also because of the characters that induce intrigue among fans. Those characters are brought to life by none other than Danny DeVito, Lucy DeVito, Aubrey Plaza, and Seth Kirschner. Now to cause a stir among fans, the legendary Arnold Schwarzenegger also graced the series with his cameo.

In the 1988 comedy film, ‘Twins’, the actors Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito made the audience laugh to tears with their commendable dynamics. Well, the duo once again collaborated on the sets of Little Demon in September 2022 to give the show’s viewers a belly-aching laugh. Interestingly, the bodybuilder’s character was inspired by the film Twins, as he played the role of a game host. Now, it’s been five months since the Austrian Oak’s cameo episode aired, and the duo is again looking for opportunities to share the screen.

Arnold Schwarzenegger and Danny DeVito girded up their lions to bag new opportunities of starring together


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Recently, DeVito appeared in an interview with Sunday Times, where he profoundly chatted about the Disney sitcom ‘Little Demon’. While talking about the Austrian Oak’s appearance in the series, the 78-year-old mentioned that they both are looking forward to working again together.

Talking about his children Lucy and Jake DeVito and the bodybuilder’s team, the actor stated, “Trying to! Lucy and Jake and Arnold’s peeps are looking for something for us to do”. The Matilda actor further asserted, “we love working together and we still got a lot of gumption in us”.

Read More: “Killed Myself for Fifteen Minutes”: Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Co-Actor Danny DeVito Admitted Taking Revenge From Him After He Disrespected His Medical Condition

Whenever the duo appears together on the screen, they indeed grab all the brownie points with their spectacular dynamics. After featuring in 4 prominent projects in Hollywood, the stars are so looking forward to giving yet another blockbuster performance.


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DeVito and Schwarzenegger’s shared interest in comedy genres

After appearing together for the first time in the 1988 ‘Twins’, the pair again collaborated in 1993 for another comic genre movie, ‘The Last Action Hero’. Then again, in 1994, the Austrian Oak and DeVito joined forces to share the screen in the comedy/Sci-fi film ‘Junior’. Almost two decades later, Schwarzenegger and DeVito took their fans to the nostalgic lane by sharing the screen with ‘Little Demon’.


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While the pair are looking forward to more projects together, the spectators are awaiting their on-screen dynamics. Schwarzenegger and DeVito indeed make an incredible comedy duo on the white proscenium curtain, don’t you think?

WATCH THIS STORY: Andre The Giant and Wilt Chamberlain Made Arnold Schwarzenegger Look Like A 8-Year-old In A. Resurfaced Image