
Despite being 75, Arnold Schwarzenegger is showing no signs of slowing down. 2023 is shaping up to be quite the year for the seven-time Mr. Olympia, who is set to make his TV show debut with Netflix’s FUBAR. On January 1, he also began his daily fitness newsletter, Arnold’s Pump Club, to help busy individuals incorporate fitness into their lives. The newsletter has crossed the 300,000 subscribers mark in just over three months. In the latest edition, the 75-year-old revealed a key and often overlooked issue in people’s fitness routines.

A member of Schwarzenegger’s over 300,000-strong “village” asked the bodybuilding icon about “optimization.” While answering the question, the bodybuilding legend revealed, optimization is a “popular buzzword in biohacking communities that became part of the mainstream.” According to Schwarzenegger, trying to “optimize” everything might actually have detrimental effects.

Arnold Schwarzenegger reveals how easy it is to over-optimize


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“The idea that you need to ‘perfect’ every aspect of your biology oftentimes ignores how our bodies actually work,” wrote Arnold Schwarzenegger. The human body is a complex machine with natural processes, and trying to iron out every kink might not be optimal in the first place.


“People spend a lot of time trying to eliminate all inflammation, but doing so could prevent you from bouncing back after workouts,” Arnie wrote. “That’s because an inflammatory response can help your body heal. All inflammation isn’t bad,” the bodybuilding icon wrote in Arnold’s Pump Club.

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According to Schwarzenegger, “When your body is chronically inflamed,” you should worry. Obsessing over perfecting every minor detail is the key issue holding many people back from achieving their fitness goals. It can also increase anxiety around forming healthier habits.

So what is the right approach?

According to the former Mr. Universe, the anxiety of perfecting everything about the body “outweighs any potential benefits of the new behavior you’re trying to add.”. Hence it’s better not to try and optimize everything. The crucial step is to build a routine of working out and eating right.


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While “upgrades or experimentation,” can help, these can come later, with experience. “But trying to optimize everything or hack your health if your routine isn’t set,” is a recipe for disaster. Schwarzenegger wrote it’s “like buying premium gas when you don’t even have an engine.” 


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Arnold Schwarzenegger’s objective is to empower the members of his “village” to start working out and build a routine. For Schwarzenegger, putting in the work is more important than harping on buzzwords. What did you think about his advice? Let us know in the comments.

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