
The best part about bodybuilding is that there are several ways to achieve one’s goals. Bodybuilders can choose to work out at night, or during the day. They can consume more than four meals, or even less. It all depends on the body’s response to the regime chosen. Above all, it is vital to make sure that the routine is a healthy one. Keeping this in mind, Rich Gaspari called out trainers who encourage people to resort to harmful and ineffective training regimes.

In a recent Generation Iron interview, three-time Mr. Olympia runner-up Rich Gaspari shared a bizarre training regime he once came across. Not just that, he also explained the importance of including carbs in the body. 

Rich Gaspari talked about the importance of calories


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Two weeks ago, Rich Gaspari appeared in an interview with Generation Iron where he condemned a bodybuilding regime that had set him off. The 59-year-old revealed that he once got to know about a bodybuilder who, in her off-season, was trying to get lean. Her trainer made her cycle after drinking gallons of water. A puzzled Gaspari expressed in the interview, “Why the freak are you cycling drinking water? Just drink you know.” 

Most bodybuilders decrease water consumption 12-24 hours before their competition. It makes their body look more defined on stage. Gaspari found no use for the woman cycling while drinking water in her off-season. He noticed that she was consuming a minimal amount of calories, and called out this practice explaining the importance of carbs in the body. 

The 59-year-old bodybuilder stated that most people think that carbs are evil for the body. But he does not agree with this idea. He told, “ I mean, eating complex carbs, they convert to glucose, and then it gets stored as glycogen in the muscle and these guys are just not eating carbs.” Furthermore, he stated that it is vital to eat the right food. Monitoring the macronutrients and staying away from refined sugars is a significant part of healthy bodybuilding regimes.

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If people avoid eating food mindfully, they will not have the fuel to work out and ultimately, they will not be able to train intensely to gain muscles. Gaspari has been quite vocal about the faulty bodybuilding practices. In the same interview, he also called out the tendency of consuming performance-enhancement drugs in modern bodybuilding. 

Rich Gaspari questions the quality of today’s bodybuilding


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In the interview with Generation Iron, Gaspari talked about the impact of performance-enhancing drugs. He stated that most bodybuilders today, think that steroids are a magic pill that will help them get bigger. Gaspari reckoned that bodybuilders are consuming a massive amount of anabolic steroids which is quite concerning. 

He expressed in the video that steroids are replacing the hard work expected of bodybuilders. According to the veteran, although modern-day bodybuilding is helping bodybuilders to get the desired physique faster but in reality, they lack the quality. 


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Do you agree with Gaspari’s thoughts on bodybuilding?