
The bodybuilding community was graced by the flawless finesse of Jay Cutler since he earned his pro card. However, his iconic persona has always been a point of wonder to many. A video posted in February, on YouTube gave fans some clarity on his undisputed physique and staggering determination. 

The brief snippet by Jay Cutler TV featured the four-time Mr. Olympia revealing glimpses from his early life and background. He was a high-school football player and grew up on a farm and he claims that this played as a trump card in his bodybuilding career. Here’s what he said. 

Jay Cutler opens up about his past life


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As per the interview, the 49-year-old athlete was an agile player for his high school football team. However, he frankly admitted that he was never fond of team sports and thus, never pursued football later on. Apparently, Cutler hates losing because of someone else. Moreover, this is why he gravitated towards bodybuilding in the first place. “I played fullback defensive tackle. I was a decent player, I actually broke my kneecap actually when I was a junior. I wore a cast from my hip all the way to my ankle,” he claimed.

“I just really didn’t like team sports that much because I hated losing because of someone else. And that’s why I think bodybuilding is so great is it’s an individual sport and you lose kind of on your own,” the quad-stomp poser added. Although, Cutler confessed to being grateful for his athletic expertise and highlighted the advantage he had over the others because of it. 

Read More: Bodybuilding Beast Jay Cutler Settles Debate Around the Exercises That Helped Him Dethrone Legend Ronnie Coleman

“but it definitely gave me something that I have in bodybuilding that drive, and you know that work ethic. Like I mentioned even growing up on the farm you know it’s all part of my background is. It’s what given me I think the edge,” the 260-lbs star shared. Moreover, the bodybuilder once disclosed a surprising claim about his physique in his early days. 

Jay Cutler: The Quad-Stomp Poser


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Talking to sources in 2018, Cutler said, “People don’t know that but my legs, my legs were my easiest body part to build. And I was known for my legs.” He recalled that people recognized him for his massive quads initially.  “they talked about, you know, the kid with the Crazy Legs,” he added. 

The American star revealed that he achieved the best legs in his gym after only a year of working out. Hence, Cutler admitted, “I needed my upper body to catch up.” Consequently, he derived his nickname, the Quad-Stomp Poser.


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Evidently, Cutler had superior shredded genes that helped him climb up the ladder to stardom. Nevertheless, with his strict and hard-core fitness regimen, he emerged as one of the best. Although fans might wonder how things would have turned out had he pursued football. What do you think? Tell us in the comments. 

Watch this story – From Lou Ferrigno to Jay Cutler Here Are the Retired Bodybuilders Who Are Still Ripped