
A young high school student named Mia Brahe-Pedersen made headlines in the world with her performance in the 100m race. Securing first place at the Summit Invitational event, Brahe-Pedersen also managed to defeat her prom date, Ethan Park. In a recent conversation with Fox News, she shared her experiences competing in this mixed-gender race and her future ambitions.

This 100m race took place in the first week of May in Oregon. By winning this event, she beat her previous record of 11.17 seconds at the Arcadia Invitational event. Expressing her gratitude for the opportunity to compete in the mixed-gender race, the athletics champion hinted that she was ready to push her limits to achieve success. She also told Fox News about her plans to compete in the upcoming Paris 2024 Olympics.?

Mia Brahe-Pedersen describes her incredible journey and discloses on future plans

The young athlete who completed this race at the Summit Invitational event in a mere 11.08 seconds described her experience. “It was a great opportunity. I honestly just look at it as it’s just any other competition”, she spoke.?
Continuing, she added, “If they can push me to create history, then I’m just grateful to be in the heat with them. “
Relating how her prom date had shown his support, she told Fox News about her ambition to participate in the 2024 Olympic trials. Further, she said, “I don’t know if I’ll make it to the Olympic team but hey, if I can be at the trials, that’s a big feat in itself.”
The Oregon athlete won the race despite not being used to pushing her body to such limits physically. Here is a glimpse of the unforgettable race which made Pedersen gain confidence before the upcoming Olympic trials.

Miah Brahe-Pedersen gives fierce competition to the world’s best runners

The young tracks star ran this race on 6th May, in Oregon in extremely hot weather. Initially tensed as she was competing with boys for the first time, she spared no effort during the race. Among her competitors were four boys who were fast and did their best to beat her in the race. Despite there being less wind at the event, she overtook her competitors.

Her efforts bore fruit and she successfully overcame other contenders like Dwayne Fotta and Tadd Brown. While Fotta finished the race at 11.20 seconds, Brown completed the race at 11.22 seconds. Cheered by the crowd, Brahe-Pedersen was jubilant after this win.

Brahe Pedersen’s inspiring story is proof of her huge potential which can gain recognition on the world stage. It remains to be seen whether she can prepare well and qualify for the upcoming Olympic trials.