
via Imago

via Imago

Jackie Chan is known to be an obedient pupil to his masters and his godfather. When in China Drama Academy (CDA), he tolerated all the restrictions and punishments his master would impose upon him. And as a grown-up, he implemented every piece of advice Leonard Ho, his godfather, would give him. But once, when Chan deliberated to go out of the box, he invited a severe catastrophe.

In his autobiography Never Grow Up, Chan revealed how after getting done with the academy, he used to have very long hair. The martial artist would never cut it, no matter what. But in 1986, Chan decided to cut his hair short for a movie. Unfortunately, in that movie only, he got his most gruesome life-threatening injury that made Ho panicky and shared bizarre advice to avoid misfortune.

?Jackie Chan’s defiance pushed him toward death


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In his 50 years of career as a Hollywood actor who did his stunts on his own, Jackie Chan came across several injuries. He broke his bones, dislocated his pelvis and cheekbone, and even got electrocuted. But while filming for Armour of God (1986), he fell from a tree and hit his head on a rock, which resulted in internal bleeding, landing him in a nearby hospital.

That injury, as Chan put it in his book, was the most dangerous of all he got. Certainly, it created terror among his loved ones, and as he shared,?“My godfather, Leonard Ho, had been so terrified after my injury, he forbade me from ever cutting my hair short again.”?Ho believed Jackie’s long hair was lucky for him and that cutting off it could only bring misfortune.

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Seemingly, this mistreatment of his godfather’s words culminated in a rather unpleasant consequence. Although this is not the first time that the Hollywood superstar turned down Ho’s words. Earlier, Chan denied a piece of advice given by his godfather and later regretted it.


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His regrets for not following Ho’s words

It was the time when the Chinese stuntman visited America to try his luck but failed. Devastated, Chan went to Hong Kong to start everything from scratch. At that time, he was determined to do something big with his life. Leonard Ho, the producer, saw the desperation in him and suggested to cool down and hang out with his friends to clear out his mind.

But, Chan didn’t want to pay heed to his advice.?This made Ho smile, and he opined,??I hope one day you understand that life isn?t only about work, but there are more important things to care about.??Albeit, the actor failed to comprehend the depth of the words then, later he understood the value of relationships, which eventually made him regret not following Ho’s advice early on.


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However, Chan was fortunate enough to have someone in his life, apart from his parents, to guide him and stay beside him through his odds. What are your thoughts on this incident of Jackie Chan? Tell us in the comments.