The action-comedy actor Jackie Chan has always been open about his relationship with his son. The father-son duo shared quite a tumultuous relationship. However, Chan, who is known for his calm and composed nature, once lost his cool and threw Jaycee away across the room. This happened due to an embarrassment Jaycee caused to his father once. Years before Chan decided not to pass on his $400 million worth of fortune to his son, the actor had an awkward confrontation with him. Jaycee acted disobediently in front of Joan’s friend and kicked his father.
Moreover, he refused to apologize, which made Chan angry. This made the actor withdraw from the scene. Let’s scroll down to take the rundown of events.
Jayce once stood against Jackie Chan
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In his autobiography, Never Grow Up, the actor mentioned a day when he had a terrible fight with Joan that went stalemate. After the argument, he stormed out to see his godfather Leonard Ho. However, as per Ho’s advice, Chan returned home to reconcile but discovered Joan yukking with a friend. Enraged, the actor was leaving the room just when Jaycee appeared, hands pointed at him like guns, and snatched his car key. In fact, as soon as Chan stooped to pick the key up, his son kicked his hand.
This raged the martial artist, and he lost his calm and flung Jaycee across the sofa, making their guest stare. However, Joan then rushed to Jaycee and urged him to apologize to his father, which he didn’t do. As he wrote in his book,?“I glared at Jaycee. He was embarrassing me by refusing to apologize. Another stalemate, this time with my son. I just walked away.”
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However, this incident developed a fear in Jaycee, and he became afraid of his father for the rest of his life. Although, later the action-comedy actor revealed that his action was aimed at teaching his son to learn from his mistakes.
Chan’s bizarre way of teaching
Jackie Chan always wanted his son to know the values of time and discipline. He tried out every possible way to make Jaycee a man of principles. Seeing his son leading a luxurious life like a spoiled brat, Chan once came up with an idea that he felt would change him. In 2011, Chan appeared in an interview where he revealed?not to leave anything from his $400 million fortune to his son.?He believed that would help Jaycee to make his own way around the world. As he said, “If he is capable, he can make his own money…If he is not, then he will just be wasting my money.?
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Although as per the actor, he went a bit far that day with Jaycee, but what he did was for the holistic development of his son, to make him a great man in the future.