
The news of sharks attacking humans is fairly regular. In some cases they are fatal, in others, not. But the recent survival ordeal by a?man swimming in the depths has shocked the world. Normally, on-time rescues have saved lives. This is evident in various cases. The survivor survives with minimal or no bites. A recent update, however, has put a question mark on this notion.

The survivor’s name is Martin Richardson. According to him, he was swimming in the Red Sea in Egypt. Suddenly he felt a bite on his body, at which point he realized he was being attacked by a shark. But, only to be saved by another creature to his surprise.

Struggling from shark attack man narrates shocking revelation


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Martin Richardson was bitten five times. He had a minimal chance of survival. A human body contains four and a half or five liters of blood. He had lost half of it. He saw the mountain and was mentally prepared to die. Suddenly, a group of dolphins appeared behind him. Soon after which the shark attack ceased, and he was rescued by the safety boat.


According to stories narrated by other survivors, dolphins have saved them too. Nan Hauser a director of the institute named Cook Island Whale Research tells her account of the story of a tiger shark attack, back in 2017.? While swimming she was saved by a humpback whale, who according to her was looking out for her. She couldn’t understand until she looked down into the blue water, and spotted a tiger shark right below her. She was swooped up by the whale.

Read More: 1 Month After Bull Shark Attack Leading To 19 Stitches, 13-Year-Old Surfer Gets the Surprise of Her Life


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In another story, a father and daughter from New Zealand were saved by dolphins. Rob Howes and his daughter are lifeguards. They along with other lifeguards were swimming off the coast when they were surrounded by dolphins. One dolphin charged toward him only to realize that it was attacking the shark which is approaching from the opposite direction.

?A Big Cloud of Blood?: The Cause of the Dolphin’s Rescue

According to marine biologist and shark conservationist Tim Hird, “Being saved by another animal is certainly a very romantic notion“. In reality, it is not the case. According to Mike Heithaus, a professor in the Department of biological science at FIU, “The dolphins see a big cloud of blood, they know a shark is in the area“. If they have any young dolphins in the vicinity of the blood cloud they attack the shark to save them from it. They may not be saving Martin or Nan in particular, but their young ones.


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Though the notion put by experts is based on scientific facts, the survivor’s story gives a different perspective.

Watch The Story: Shark Attack Victim Slams Down Bystanders Who Were No Help During Horrifying Incident