
Bodybuilding legend Frank Zane, who is a three-time Mr. Olympia, once shared in an interview in 2019 what he did before bodybuilding, and it’s really fascinating.

Frank Zane is considered one of the greatest bodybuilders in history. He had an extremely meticulous focus on symmetry and proportion when it comes to having the perfect physique. Zane was lovingly called The Chemist! He was known for his perfect body.


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Frank Zane was a school teacher!

In an interview, Zane once shared that he was a full-time teacher before he started training for bodybuilding competitions. He used to teach maths and chemistry in schools for 13 years. Zane retired from teaching only after he won his first Mr. Olympia title and started training full-time.

Recalling that stage in his life, he said, “There were different stages when I was competing. For most of the time I was a full-time schoolteacher – I taught math – so I had a very hectic day where I would teach school up until three o’clock, then train after that. Of course, I had the summers off, which enabled me to train for competition.”

Read More: Bodybuilding Veteran Frank Zane, Who is Going Strong at 80, Once Revealed How His Workout Regime Changed With Age: “It’s Essential as You Get Older”

Zane revealed that he used to have a very hectic day back then, teaching and training at the same time!

Zane still trains regularly


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Interestingly, Zane still trains regularly even now. Apparently, he gets to work out a lot while training his clients. The routine that he follows now is training either every other day or three days out of five and resting for the remaining days. According to him, rest days are very important for letting the body recover before working out again.

. Considering his success in professional bodybuilding it was very interesting to get an insight into Zane’s life and get to know that he was a schoolteacher.


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During the initial days of their careers, several athletes work different jobs along with doing their training. And it was interesting to know how Zane did the same and worked as a teacher.