
UFC CEO Dana White is, without a doubt, one of the most influential personalities in the world at the moment. The 54-year-old has been the face of the UFC for a long time now. He has single-handedly helped the promotion reach massive heights. However, he still faces a lot of criticism from fans all around the world. The UFC head honcho started his latest venture, Power Slap, thirteen months ago, and the sport has gathered a lot of attention from its fans on social media.

To discuss the success of the event, White recently appeared on ‘The Pete and Sebastian’ show and revealed how a mere $3 million investment from him and the Fertitta brothers has paved the way for his latest venture, Power Slap, to amass a $750 million business worldwide. Jed I. Goodman recently took to his X account to share a clip of the show. The 54-year-old shared some facts which have caught the attention of the fans lately.

He claimed, “This is the biggest. When I say that, this is the biggest thing on social media. We started this 13 months ago. This thing has 13 million followers on social media. I’ve been on social media since like I was one of the first Twitter guy’s right. I have 20 million followers. This thing already has 13. It’s bigger than the NHL, it’s bigger-than uh, the PGA NASCAR.”


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“We’re crushing we’re about to pass Major League Baseball. As far as numbers go right, wow then now when you talk about numbers. On views on this thing, take every sport on Earth, combine all their numbers together and multiply it by four, Power Slap beats it. Isn’t that fascinating?” the CEO added.


White’s latest numbers have not gone well with most of the fans. According to most of them, the UFC head honcho is not stating the right numbers.

Fans share their honest opinion after Dana White shares power slap numbers


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Since the time of its inception, Power Slap has always received a lot of criticism. From former fighters to doctors, most of them have termed the sport dangerous. However, White has always been confident about his latest venture, but his latest statement has not gone well with the fans. One user mocked the UFC head honcho after he shared the latest numbers regarding Power Slap, which is nowhere close to what he said in the latest X post, “Me when I lie.”

Taking a dig at the massive viewership claims made by the UFC CEO, a social media user revealed that he is yet to meet a single person who watches the show. “The next person I meet that watches power slap will be the first,” they wrote under the post. Power Slap is just thirteen months old, and it has yet to receive the kind of acceptance Dana White has revealed in the latest X video, which is the biggest cause of concern for one of the fans, “Who is an actual Slap fan? Is it just a bunch of casuals?”

After listening to the entire clip, one user agreed to the fact that the UFC head honcho was stating the correct details but messed up the numbers he mentioned at the end of the video, “He was right up until the last stat, I know this shit not cooking the world cup”


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Despite Dana White being the owner of Power Slap, one user seemed shocked to see the 54-year-old making such serious claims without any fact checking, “What’s crazy is I think Dana has actually started to believe this.” Power Slap is nowhere close to MMA in terms of its stardom and it is yet to receive the kind of acceptance the sport has received, which is very clear from a comment that read, “Literally the worst sport on the planet and there’s no way any of this is true.”

What do you think about Dana White’s latest claims? Let us know in the comments below.