
UFC fighters might look ruthless inside the octagon but can also be kind and generous. This was proved by Michel Pereira recently as he not only helped rescue pets in minus temperatures but also advocated for the recent floods in Brazil. Several people have been displaced from their homes in Rio Grande in Brazil because of constant flooding and a handful of people have also lost their lives in the disaster. In a recent Reddit update, one fan uploaded a video of the champion rescuing pets in deep floods, and the fans were inspired by his bravery outside the octagon.

The video on Reddit showed how the Middleweight fighter rescued a dog in freezing weather from the rooftop of a collapsed house in Brazil. The temperature was almost 32F at night with incessant rain and floods and pets were stranded for more than 7 days. But Pereira and his crew were there to save the day! The fans were moved by this brave act of the UFC fighter. 

The Redditor captioned the post, Michel Pereira has been working very hard day and night since last Sunday. Rescuing stranded puppies on rooftops. Most of them are stranded there for 7 days! The rain isn’t about to stop in the region, and the temperature is reaching 32F at night… God bless this man. Not only is the UFC 301 winner saving animals in this flood, but also updating fans and others about the state of Brazil right now. He recently uploaded an Instagram video showing the harrowing state of Brazil’s floods.


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The UFC veteran requested any help that the fans could do and wrote in Portuguese, as per the translator, The situation is getting worse, the water is rising again! If you can contribute any amount, do so! If you can come, come! Thousands of people and animals need our help. Not only is Michel Pereira actively helping the people of Brazil, but Alex Pereira also donated $100,000 and plans to give $20,000 more to the cause

Fans saw all of this and even requested Dana White to help out in the situation. The latest post by Michel Pereira moved fans to the core, and they hailed the 30-year-old for the same. 


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UFC fans extend their support to Michel Pereira

The Brazil floods are at an all-time high right now and many people got misplaced from their homes while animals have also been facing tough times. In all the adversities, Michel Pereira is shining like the bright light and helping out as much as he canThis moved the UFC buffs, and they commented, Michel “the backflipping saint” Pereira. god bless,” and Angel wings help him flip onto mother***ers.”

One fan even talked about his octagon performance and said, Hate or love him in the ring, he’s an example of an amazing human being.” The previous year, when the Hawaii wildfires ruined lives and nature, the UFC stepped up and donated a million dollars to Miami. This time too, UFC fighters are helping and the fans admire this. One fan said, Give him some headlights, while another wrote, Legend.”


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Another follower saw the Reddit video and wrote, “That’s so nice. poor dog,” while a UFC buff complimented Pereira and said, What an absolute legend. Brazil is in a lot of danger right now and the people of that country need all the help they can get.

What are your thoughts about the noble actions of Pereira? Drop your views in the comments below.