
Even battle-hardened dudes like Jack Carr have their quirks! The bestselling author and retired Navy SEAL, host of the “Danger Close” podcast confessed on Joe Rogan’s show that he’s a pen-and-paper kind of guy. Believe it or not, in this digital age, Carr still relies on good old-fashioned notepads and sticky notes for important info.

In episode #2165 of The Joe Rogan Experience, Jack Carr opened up about his aversion to synchronization, cloud storage, and other “fancy” tech solutions. Rogan, ever the enthusiast, apparently tried to bridge the digital divide, showing Carr the ropes of the modern world.

Retired Navy SEAL surprises Joe Rogan


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Joe Rogan is a self-proclaimed tech geek, well known for his friendship with tech innovator and entrepreneur Elon Musk. He frequently interacts with people at the forefront of technology, and it’s no surprise that he’s comfortable navigating the digital world. This was evident in a recent episode of his podcast where Jack Carr, a pen-and-paper advocate, discussed the complexities of Apple’s cross-platform ecosystem.

Carr freely admitted his analog ways. He said, “I have notepads everywhere, yellow stickies everywhere like it’s chaos.” Rogan, ever the tech advocate, raised an eyebrow. “You don’t have it on your phone?” Carr’s response? For some reason, he doesn’t know.

Undeterred, Rogan, ever the helpful host, decided to give Jack Carr a crash course in the digital world. He whipped out his phone and demonstrated the wonders of voice notes with Siri. “The best thing about phones today is that you can talk to them,” Rogan said, launching into a mini-tutorial. “On both the Apple one and this one too, you just open up a note, and then when you’re writing a new note, you go down and press the microphone thing. When you press the microphone thing, it just lets you talk. Like here we go.”


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That’s how Joe Rogan introduced Jack Carr to the concept of using voice recognition systems and digital notepads. Later in the show, Carr and Rogan delve into the topic of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s wealth, discussing its role in his global influence.

Joe Rogan and Jack Carr on Putin’s mega-mansion

Vladimir Putin, known as the formidable world leader and president of Russia, since 2000, has reportedly accumulated significant wealth, although the exact amount remains undisclosed. On a recent episode of the Joe Rogan Experience (JRE), Rogan and his guest Jack Carr discussed the seizure of yachts belonging to billionaires by opposing forces in the ongoing conflict, significantly impacting wealthy individuals. Carr speculated that the seized yachts might have belonged to oligarchs, friends of Vladimir Putin, which could be a motivating factor behind the seizures.


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He might be the richest guy [in the world],” Joe Rogan said. “They say. He might be worth, like, some insane amount. Have you seen that house that they’re allegedly building for him?” Rogan asked, referring to Putin’s new mansion under construction on the Black Sea coast near the resort town of Gelendzhik. Rogan claimed that according to opposition political figures in Russia, Putin’s wealth is estimated to be around $200 billion, a figure denied by Putin’s party.

Furthermore, Jack Carr revealed that Putin’s house, which reportedly has secret bunkers, is detailed in Carr’s own writing. This information is also documented in Carr’s book, where he claims people can use satellite maps to zoom in and see the property. In reply, Rogan denied its authenticity. How do you rate this episode of JRE out of five? Let us know in the comments below.