
Dana White is pulling his physical health back together. And fans are here for it, one way or another. The UFC CEO was diagnosed with a troublesome medical condition which shortened his expected lifespan by leaps and bounds. Ever since White found out about it, he decided to turn things around and hasn’t looked back since.

In a recent Instagram post, White flaunted his incredible physique. He contrasted his current state to the way he was back in 2017 and the difference is insane. Being CEO of an organization that makes it vital for players to be in peak physical condition may have raised White’s alarms about his health. Here’s how things are going with the UFC giant.

Dana White gives his fans a physique update


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White started working with Gary Brecka of 10 X Health Systems. The human biologist and mortality modeling expert revealed to White that he may not have more than ten years of life left in him. This was all due to the high levels of his triglycerides. In his own words, “Triglycerides are a measure of blood fat and shouldn’t be over 149 – two or three hundred is a ‘cataclysmic level . . . but his was 768.”  Ever since he found out, White has been doing everything in his power to get his life back together. Now, his fans see a new version and have so much to say.


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“Dana needs to be USADA tested”

“USADA gonna show up at ur office tomorrow”

“Uncle Dana vs Zuck for the children”

While some fans poked fun at White’s physique, others felt greatly inspired and wanted to congratulate the UFC boss.

“Congratulations again You’re just full of great s personal achievements this week. Keep rockin”

“Dana looking like the final boss. Inspiring af”

Finally, some fans just recognized how hard White had worked on his health and wanted to give him all their praise.

“Awesome Dana!!!”

“That’s a badass mf right there”

Even legendary bodybuilder Jay Cutler was impressed and driven to comment about his physique.

“Solid @danawhite” he wrote.

Undoubtedly, Dana White has made waves when it comes to his physical well-being. His shortened lifespan scare clearly did a number on the UFC boss and it frightened him enough to change things up as soon as possible. With the help of Gary Brecka, it looks like he has improved a lot and even put on the best shape he could have at 54 years of age.

White uses a number of therapies


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Once he knew he was in danger, White took every route suggested to him. He even started with red light therapy, which is primarily reported to help with health and skin conditions. Apart from that, he’s also posted pictures of him preparing for a cold plunge. At home or out on the road, White made sure he got everything he needed to take care of himself.

Also Read: Denied $50,000 Bonus Thrice by Dana White, UFC Star Rips UFC for Using Cancer-Ridden Mother as a Tool of Promotion

The $500 million-worth UFC CEO can pretty much afford anything he wants. Using his money to treat his grave health condition is probably one of the best ways to utilize it. Now, he looks forward to continuing working with Brecka to lengthen his lifespan beyond the age of 60.


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Is Dana White’s new health, truly an inspiration or just a consequence of his privilege? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

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