
via Imago

via Imago

Apologetic behavior is like a foreign language to UFC Boss Dana White. Ever since the world has known him, Dana White has been unapologetic when it comes to his opinions. Usually, White has mostly been away from politics. However, he did publicly express support for his friend and controversial figure, Donald Trump.

Apart from that, White‘s focus is seemingly only on the world of MMA. In recent times, some of the biggest organizations across all sectors have embraced what they commonly referred to as the ‘woke’ culture. From giant corporations to sports leagues, this cultural movement aims to address specific social issues and promote inclusivity and progressiveness. ‘Woke’ culture has been a highly debatable concept among the masses.


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Some support it as they feel the social issues addressed in this movement are important, while others stand against it. While this approach has gained popularity, the UFC has stayed away from adopting such trends since its inception. Recently, UFC president Dana White made some sparking comments on it, which ignited reactions from fans and fighters alike.

Jorge Masvidal responds as Dana White refers to the ‘woke’ culture

Some weeks ago, a popular Instagram page posted a quote from Dana White, where he refers to the ‘woke’ culture. “We don’t do anything ‘woke’ here”, says White. The quote is from when the UFC boss appeared in an interview with Fox News some months ago.

This statement reaffirmed the UFC’s stance on remaining away from this culture and staying focused on the sport itself. Moreover, White‘s comment resonated with many fans who appreciate the organization’s commitment to providing thrilling fights without intertwining political ideologies.


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Recently, the retired UFC star, Jorge Masvidal reposted this image on his Instagram story. By adding the words “only way” to his story, Masvidal hinted at his agreement with White‘s sentiment. Similar to Dana White, ‘Gamebred’ has also displayed a clear stance on this topic time and again.

Read More – “Dana Is One of the Few People That…” – Former POTUS Donald Trump Makes a Bold Statement on UFC President Dana White


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Do you think Dana White and Jorge Masvidal are right in dismissing the ‘woke’ culture? Or is the UFC liable to full certain social responsibilities that come with adopting this movement? What is your view about all this? We would love to know from you! So drop your opinions in the comments section below.

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