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Modern tech icons Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk have been talk of the town in the MMA community. However, it’s interesting to note this time MMA icon and podcaster, Joe Rogan that made a defiant statement relating to the world of tech. With apps growing to require more and more personal data from users and Rogan used his platform to spark a discussion amongst his fans about using the app and the threat it poses to the privacy he holds so dearly.

This all pertains to an app he uses by the name of ‘Polar’ which serves as a heart rate monitor. The UFC color commentator has also previously talked about the ‘Whoop Strap’. Yes, the same heart rate and sleep monitor used by one of the greatest Olympic swimmers, Michael Phelps. Rogan was truly head over heels for the monitor. But what was his issue with his Polar heart rate monitor?

Joe Rogan’s stance on apps asking for personal data


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Recently, the 55-year-old shared a post on Instagram, where he addressed his uneasiness with sharing health-related data. The post showed a couple of pictures that highlighted a privacy policy prompt by Polar. He declared that he hadn’t used his Polar heart rate monitor for quite a bit of time. But when he went ahead to use it, a privacy notice popped up that troubled the UFC color commentator.

The prompt read, “I agree that my personal data may be transferred and processed outside my country of origin as described in the Polar Privacy Notice. I can change my settings about this consent at any time.”


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Without a doubt, Rogan was skeptical about sharing his personal data. Subsequently, when he didn’t agree to the condition, the device refused to work. Rogan wrote, “Thing is, if I change my consent or don’t agree to consent I can’t use my heart rate monitor anymore. No thanks.” Thereafter, he asked his followers for an alternate device to monitor his heart rate.

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Polar’s official Instagram account left a comment on Joe Rogan’s post and explained the reason behind transferring data outside of a user’s origin country. As per the company, they operate globally and they store all data on servers “located in EU/EEA.” Thus, for users outside of these regions, their data is stored overseas.

They further assured that the data was only used for providing services.

Rogan’s opinion on the ‘Whoop Strap’

Back in 2019, the beloved UFC commentator talked about the plus points of using the ‘Whoop Strap’. He was so impressed by the device that he even shared a post on Instagram. He revealed that the device monitored heart rate variability and sleep. Furthermore, it also provided detailed insights into being healthy and recovering from workouts.

He used the device during his famous ‘Sober October’ challenge that he competes in with his friends. During the entire month of October, Joe Rogan and his friends only focus on working out and do not consume alcohol. That’s the time when the UFC commentator achieves his shredded body.


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Rogan confessed that the strap made him realize that he hadn’t been getting enough sleep. He was truly impressed by the ‘Whoop Strap’ and found it extremely useful. 


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Watch This Story – How Did Joe Rogan Get Famous?

What are your thoughts on smart devices? Do you think sharing personal information with such devices should be a necessity? Let us know in the comments down below.