
Before UFC was the mega brand as we know it, there were a few fighters and veterans who were making the sport known to the entire world. One of the most well-known figures was ‘Tank’ Abbott, and he was known for being a dangerous fighter with a tough personality. Abbott became an icon for the UFC in the heydays when there were no set rules and the contest was more deadly. His real name is David Lee Abbott, and he was known as ‘Tank’, who won 10 fights and was mainly known for his ruthless approach to his opponents.

The 59-year-old recently made an appearance in the Joe Rogan Experience, speaking about his career and sharing stories of his younger days when he was an MMA legend. However, he also shared a painful time when he was diagnosed with deadly diseases and even escaped death through huge transplants due to his harsh lifestyle.

Joe Rogan shocked at Tank Abbott’s revelation of his almost-death


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The legend is known for his competition on Pride, EliteXC, Strikeforce, and King of the Cage throughout his 25-bout career. His health started deteriorating because of his constant drinking habits and he almost died five times due to his liver and kidney transplant!   He revealed previously as well how he lost 100 pounds and spent 107 days in the ICU while having 6 strokes on the table as well! This fighter not only conquered his opponents in the octagon but even conquered death!

He even shocked Rogan, sharing his tale during JRE MMA #158. Tank narrated his story, saying, “I got a liver transplant and a kidney transplant, I died five times on the table… They did the kidney, not the liver first and wanted to make sure that it would take hold, and then months later they did the kidney.” He was getting gradually emotional as he started opening up.

Rogan asked him if he had to take medication for the liver and kidney transplant, and he answered in the affirmative. Then. Rogan asked about his immune system as Abbott shared his horrific tale of getting roundworms due to resistance to medicine. This caused him to stay in the ICU and have intensive treatments, which were extremely painful. Even more shocking was the fact that the doctors had lost all hope. Recalling those moments, the legend said, “I was laying there, and my wife told me obviously that they were saying, it’s time for you to start thinking about taking them off, unplugging me.”


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Abbott narrated while almost tearing up that he was lying there with a tracheotomy, and his wife was there with him. He narrated how he fought for his life till the end and ultimately cheated death. The doctors did not unplug him, and now, he is fine. After hearing all of this, the color commentator was astounded and gave a heavy sigh. Truly, Abbott is a legend and has proved his worth, both inside and outside the arena. Moreover, Tank Abbott not only talked about his brave tale of surviving death but also elaborated on the apparent corrupt issues with John McCarthy.

Tank Abbott revealed his problems with Bug John McCarthy

During the same conversation in the podcast, the duo watched a fight video in the promotion and discussed the rules back then in Abbott’s prime days. This made the retired fighter narrate the story of a particular fight where he thought that McCarthy’s interference had lost him his title.  He said, “I would have won that fight if Big John McCarthy wouldn’t have stuck his melon in between us and broke us up. You know, that’s how you were talking about how they fix the fights and everything. He broke this fight up, there were no rules, look, he’s breaking us up, why’d he do that?


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This was when Rogan asked about the rules back in the day, and Tank confirmed that there were no set rules and the crowd was chanting “boos”. He also stated that McCarthy was corrupt and a ‘crook’ and said that the fighter did not have any respect for his opponents. However, Rogan stated that he liked Big John.  Abbott also pointed out that Big John and his wife got him kicked out of the promotion. This discussion clearly showed the difference in the dynamics of fighters and referees, and it also gave a clear perspective on how the UFC was back in the day.

Nevertheless, Tank’s story of his survival and war with health, along with his career stats, gives him a rollercoaster of a story to tell everyone about his life! What do you think about the legend? Share your thoughts in the comments.