

Joe Rogan's alien theories—genius insight or just another wild claim? What's your take?

When ͏it͏ comes to deep conversations about extrat͏errest͏rial topic͏s͏, you know that Joe Rogan ͏is always up for it.͏ Th͏e͏ m͏ulti-mi͏llion-dolla͏r podcasting giant h͏as discussed the possibilitie͏s of͏ advanced civilizations on h͏is po͏dcast time an͏d again. There was a ͏time when one of his conversations with͏ whi͏stleb͏l͏o͏wer Da͏vid Grusch was canceled by the US ͏government due to se͏cur͏ity reasons.͏ However, ͏th͏is has not stopp͏ed the 57-year-old from ͏delving deep into the realm of alien civ͏ilizati͏ons.͏

Joe Rogan recently invited astrobiologist and theoretical physicist Sara Imari Walker on ‘JRE#2184’ and while having a conversation about the material world,  Rogan delved deeper into the conversation about the possibilities of alien life. Let us have a look at what the million-dollar podcaster had to say about it.

Joe Rogan throws alien conspiracy on a conversation with Sara Imari Walker


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If you are a regular viewer of the ‘Joe Rogan Experience’, then you already know the fascination the podcaster has with aliens. Irrespective of any of his guests, the one topic that remains constant in most of Joe Rogan’s episodes is the deep conversation about aliens. Regardless, Sara Imari Walker was the best person for Rogan to have a conversation with about the possibilities of life, why you might ask. Well, that’s because Walker researches those topics that revolve around the origins of life, artificial life, and the detection of life on other worlds.

Well, Rogan and Walker were having a conversation about the possibilities of life in different worlds when the podcaster emphasized that the existence of a different species in another part of our galaxy would mean a bit disastrous for the human mind to comprehend, “I’ve often said that if an alien race, completely outside of our understanding of life and our understanding of biology, observed us and asked, “What is this dominant species doing?” they would see that we make better things. That’s all we do,” said Rogan.

He further explained that humanity often discredits war as the source of all problems but most people never understand the fact that the existence of war has helped countries to go deeper into innovations- “We do a lot of things, but ultimately those things—even war, which is essentially about acquiring money and resources—are used to make better things. In engaging in war, we’re constantly advancing technology to have an advantage over the enemy, which leads to the creation of better things. When you scale it up, this ultimately leads to the development of another life form.”

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According to Rogan, the war breeds innovation and it leads to the development of different life forms. Well, this is not the first time Rogan was overly enthusiastic when talking about other life forms across the vast bubble of the universe. Interestingly, the podcaster even made a joke about aliens on his latest “Burn The Boats” special.


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What’s your perspective on:

Joe Rogan's alien theories—genius insight or just another wild claim? What's your take?

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Why aliens don’t land on the White House lawn?

Joe Rogan came back to the stand-up stage of Netflix after a prolonged 6 years with his “Burn The Boat” special. The special standup happened on August 4 and oh boy did it blow up with controversies. The 57-year-old made jokes about tons of stuff from marij**na, Covid-19 to even aliens. In one of his skits, Rogan stated that people who think aliens don’t exist are just living in a world of delusions.


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“I think the dumbest argument that aliens aren’t real, people go, ‘If aliens are real, why don’t they land on the White House lawn? Oh, when you go fishing, do you check in with the president of the lake? No, you just trick those dummies with fake food and pull them up by their lips and take pictures of them and then drop them back off in the water and they’re like, ‘What the f*ck just happened?'” said Rogan.

He further joked that aliens just observe us like we observe fights in waffle houses. Well, Joe Rogan’s fascination with aliens will carry on for quite some time. Regardless, what’s your take from his episode of ‘JRE’? State your thoughts in the comments below.