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As fit as Joe Rogan is at 56 years old, it seems unwise to claim that he’d ever let a substance overpower him. Why? Because he has been struggling with a particular substance and when he tried to diminish his dependence on it, things didn’t turn out well.

Caffeine. That’s the cause of his woes. On Tuesday’s JRE episode with guest Jack Carr, he explained his caffeine addiction. “I am too health conscious, you know. I can never get addicted to a drug. Although, I’m addicted to caffeine for sure,” Joe Rogan told his guest on the #2165 JRE episode.

If one is dependent on a substance, they are bound to suffer withdrawal symptoms should they decide to lay off of it for a bit. And that’s exactly what transpired with Joe Rogan in the past. Last month, the curious JRE host shared his experience of going a day without caffeine, which didn’t end well for him. Interestingly, he had mentioned this experience on social media and this left a lot of fans concerned. And now, he once again spoke about it.


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“I took a whole day off caffeine and documented it on the internet. At the end of the day, I had a f***ing pounding headache. This is crazy… I haven’t had one of those [headaches] in a long time, which is because I haven’t stopped drinking caffeine in a long time,” he added further.


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However, what are some common caffeine addiction symptoms?
1. Dizziness
2. Headaches
3. Feeling shaky
4. Increased blood pressure
5. Lack of energy

It is important to note that the DSM-5 (manual used by clinicians and psychologists) also mentions caffeine-related disorders. The manual divides it into the following sub-categories:
1. Caffeine Intoxication
2. Caffeine Withdrawal
3. Other Caffeine-Induced Disorders
4. Unspecified Caffeine-Related Disorder


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Besides, being addicted to a substance can often seep into other aspects of one’s life. And something similar happened with Joe Rogan. He may have done something he can’t be too proud of.


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Did Joe Rogan buy ‘illegal’ caffeinated sodas?

Rogan’s supposed addiction to caffeine would one day lead him to a liquor store, but not for any kind of alcoholic beverage. In the store, the longtime UFC commentator would come across a bunch of drinks with absolutely high caffeine concentrations. Thus, he shared with Carr, “Back in the day, I used to buy these sodas. There were these bizarre sodas that this liquor store had that were filled with caffeine, like insane amounts of caffeine.”

“They also had like hot sauce in them, and these cool colors and flavors. Like some of them, they’d turn my tongue dark blue. They had skulls and crossbones on the label. They were just cool,” Joe Rogan added. “This is like in the 90s. I bought them just for fun… I don’t think they’re around anymore, but I bought cases of this sh*t. Probably [Illegal]. I mean, I don’t know what the caffeine amount was, but it was extraordinary.”


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Well, caffeine is known to affect the brain’s reward system and trigger the release of dopamine. Because of the release of this chemical, people feel great and that starts the cycle of consuming caffeine. As reported by ‘Very Well Mind’, coffee and soda are very popular sources of caffeine in the US, whereas African and Asian countries consume them via soda and tea.

Further, according to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), a whopping 80% of Americans consume caffeine on a daily basis. Are you one of them? Share with us in the comments below.