The MMA fighters use Twitter as an important platform that helps them reach out to their fans. Furthermore, there are times when fighters call out their desired opponent on Twitter. For efficient use of the global social media platform, it is important for them that all the key accessories of Twitter work well. However, the MMA fighters faced a huge problem on Thursday. The blue check mark from their account went missing. This puts the fighters in dire straits, as the fans won’t have any clue if it’s actually their favorite fighter’s Twitter handle or not.
This can pave the way for random people to come up with fake accounts in the name of the MMA fighters. It pissed off some of the MMA fighters that the CEO of Twitter, Elon Musk took such a step.
MMA Fighters react to the new step of Elon Musk
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When the blue tick went away from the Twitter accounts of the MMA fighters, they were not ready to stay silent. Some handled the situation with humor, while others lashed out at Musk for such a big move.
Check out how MMA fighters reacted to the new change on Twitter.
The former lightweight champion, Charles Oliveira, wrote in Portuguese against the removal of the blue tick mark. The English of what he wrote is, “Without further checking Charlinho here huh… No blue mark but it’s Oliveira here…”
Sem verificado mais ainda o Charlinho aqui hein…
No blue mark but it's Oliveira here…#DoBronxs
— Charles 'DoBronxs' Oliveira (@CharlesDoBronxs) April 21, 2023
The UFC middleweight fighter, Derek Brunson, mentioned that he is not going to pay $5.
F a Blue check . I ain’t paying $5 and I’m a millionaire 😂😂😂😂
— Derek Brunson (@DerekBrunson) April 20, 2023
Gilbert Burns tagged Elon Musk to know about his missing blue check mark.
Where is my blue check mark?? 👀👀 come on @elonmusk
— GILBERT BURNS DURINHO (@GilbertDurinho) April 20, 2023
Through Twitter, Kelvin Gastelum let his followers know that he no longer has the blue check mark.
Oh snap I don’t have a blue checkmark anymore 🤷♂️
— #OnAmission4Gold (@KelvinGastelum) April 20, 2023
Brian Kelleher dealt with the situation in the funniest way possible.
This is bullshit. Self verified baby can’t take nothing from me
— Brian BOOM Kelleher (@brianboom135) April 20, 2023
Stephen Thompson tried to prove that it was his own Twitter account via tweet.
Just want to verify that I am actually still myself and this is the real true Wonderboy…don’t want to
Cause any unnecessary stress to anyone if I can help it 😢 😂 #UnverifiedGang #ItsStillMe— Wonderboy (@WonderboyMMA) April 20, 2023
Billy Quarantillo, who lost his blue tick after losing his last bout via knockout, seems to have had a bad week.
Gettin knocked out and losing my blue check all in the same week… yikes 😂
— Billy Quarantillo (@BillyQMMA) April 20, 2023
These were some of the reactions from the fighters.
The importance of a verified status
Over time, social media has become an important platform for fighters to build up a fight. Now that they lose their verified status, it is difficult for followers to recognize if any tweet is from the actual person or someone claiming to be them.
For some of the fighters, Twitter was a global social media platform that could help them become more popular in the public eye. It was a place for them to raise their voices when something went against them. At the moment, the entire platform has become difficult for the fighters to use, and it remains to be seen if the situation will improve.
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