
In the realm of comedy and combat, a showdown unfolded that left everyone surprised. Shane Gillis, known for his comedic prowess and towering presence, dared to challenge his ‘best friend’ – the legendary UFC commentator Joe Rogan, to a brawl. But little did he know that he was stepping into a different kind of arena—one that Rogan excels in.

When it comes to the world of comedy podcasting, you’d be hard-pressed to find a more intriguing clash of titans than Joe Rogan and Shane Gillis. However, the lion’s share of firepower undoubtedly belongs to Joe Rogan. In a recent episode of Andrew Schulz’s podcast “FLAGRANT,” Gillis dropped a bombshell revelation. Just last week, he dared to challenge Joe Rogan to an impromptu brawl, and the story behind it is nothing short of entertaining.

When Joe Rogan silenced his best friend’s challenge with his Jiu-Jitsu skills


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Shane Gillis recently sat down with noted comic Andrew Schulz for an amusing discussion on the FLAGRANT YouTube podcast. Well past the one-hour mark into their conversation, Gillis starts by admitting to challenging Rogan while under the influence of alcohol. He playfully recalled that he taunted Rogan by declaring, “You can’t tap me dude. Jiu-Jitsu’s g*y.” 


As a former offensive lineman for the United States Military Academy Black Knights, Gillis stood tall at 6-foot-4, towering over the 5-foot-7 Rogan. However, size wouldn’t be the deciding factor in this confrontation. However, the humor took a back seat when Gillis elaborated on the actual showdown. 

Read More: “I Did It Man!”: Joe Rogan Makes a Bold Claim on Austin, Texas Being “Hub of Comedy World” All Owing to the Success of His Anti-woke Comedy Club

He revealed that Rogan, despite being smaller in stature, proved to be a formidable opponent. Moreover, Joe Rogan’s jiu-jitsu skills came to the forefront as he executed a series of submissions, tapping Gillis multiple times during their sparring session. Gillis’s surprise and amazement at Rogan’s abilities shine through in his exclamation, “He ripped my shoulder off! He tapped me like 8 times – and he kept going!”

Shane Gillis concedes to Joe Rogan, and his grappling skills


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What’s more – when Schulz asked Gillis about the possibility of a rematch under different circumstances, he conceded that Rogan’s skills are exceptional. The 35-year-old comic further added, “No – no – no! He’s just – he’s excellent…” 

Gillis acknowledges Rogan’s potential and hints that if Rogan were to go all out, the outcome might be different. However, Gillis also humorously admits that he wasn’t fully prepared for their initial encounter and was unwilling to give it his all. He further acknowledged Rogan’s excellence, declaring, “If he went as hard as he could, that guy could probably get under. I wasn’t ready – I wasn’t willing to go as hard as I could.”


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Joe Rogan’s jiu-jitsu prowess has definitely left an indelible mark on Shane Gillis. This amusing encounter is a testament to the unexpected talents that can emerge in combat sports. What do you think of this hilarious exchange between the UFC commentator and his best friend? Drop your thoughts in the comments below!

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