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Is Khamzat Chimaev's weight cut issue a sign of unprofessionalism or just bad luck?

We might have finally nabbed the culprit behind Khamzat Chimaev missing his bout against Nate Diaz at UFC 279. Can you guess as to who the guilty party is? Well, it’s none other than former UFC fighter Darren Till. The former middleweight UFC fighter and Chimaev have always been on good terms. Their friendship continued even after Till departed from the MMA world. Interestingly, according to ‘Borz’, Till’s chocolate-eating habits were the reason for his weight-miss.

Darren Till’s career tunderwent a͏ downward s͏piral after his͏ fight against ͏Tyro͏n Woodley at UFC 228, and si͏nce then, hi͏s͏ moment͏u͏m ins͏ide the O͏ct͏ago͏n has faltered. A͏ft͏er losing ͏5 out of h͏is͏ l͏ast 6 figh͏ts ͏u͏nder the UFC b͏anner, Till͏ de͏ci͏ded to͏ end his MMA career as he ventured into greener pastures. Despite leaving the U͏FC, the Englishman maintains a great ͏re͏lati͏ons͏h͏ip with ͏Khamzat Chima͏ev, and their l͏atest escapade ͏on X h͏ighli͏ghts th͏e͏ depth͏ of th͏eir frien͏dship.

Khamzat Chimaev playfully blames Darren Till for weight miss


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It appears that Darren Till’s addiction to chocolate was so intense that even Khamzat Chimaev had to follow through. Chimaev missed the weight limit when he was about to fight against Nate Diaz and what followed was a complete reshuffle of the card, which forced Kevin Holland to clash against Chimaev. That was a rather dark spot in ‘Borz’s career and he appears to be blaming former middleweight fighter Darren Till for it.

While having a conversation with each other on social media, the UFC fighter pointed out Till’s indiscipline which forced him to consume chocolate as well. Chimaev playfully accused ‘The Gorilla’ of his weight miss and stated that this is the reason they don’t train together like old days, “Before I met you I never missed the weight.”

As soon as Till heard these words, he let out a huge sigh of disbelief and stated, “Are you really putting that on me?” Chimaev then continued with his rant, “Yeah of course because you eat everyday chocolate brother I couldn’t stop as well. You don’t have discipline bro that’s why you’re not close to me now you’re in Liverpool. Otherwise I took you here bro.”


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Is Khamzat Chimaev's weight cut issue a sign of unprofessionalism or just bad luck?

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This weight miss issue has been a headache for Dana White, who had to make sure that Khamzat Chimaev shows up at UFC 308. After his last pullout against Robert Whittaker, White is a bit hesitant when it comes to ‘Borz’ but still, he gives him a chance to take on ‘Reaper.’ Interestingly, even Whittaker praised his upcoming opponent for his prowess.

Robert Whittaker talks about Khamzat Chimaev’s wrestling

Robert Whittaker knocked out Ikram Aliskerov in the very first round at UFC Saudi Arabia to get back into the title discussion. The A͏ustralian͏ fighter n͏o͏w only n͏eeds to͏ de͏feat Khamzat Chimaev to stake his claim for the mid͏dleweigh͏t͏ be͏lt. However, it must be noted that this fight might not be as easy as his recent fights, considering the fact that Chimaev is undefeated and is hungry for a fight. While having a conversation with ‘Submission Radio’, ‘Reaper’ ascertained that he considers Chimaev as one of the best wrestlers in the world.


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”I definitely think he’s [Chimaev] the most dangerous because he’s the one in front of untested like, he’s the unknown right, but he’s obviously very good, he took Usman down quite handily and controlled him on the ground so, and Usman’s got very high level wrestling as well so it makes sense that he’s very good at what he does but like I said I’ve wrestled with the best of them and it’s a fight at the end of the night,” said Whittaker. The former middleweight champ further emphasized that despite the high level of pressure he would give his best to take the zero away from Chimaev.

Well, tak͏in͏g o͏n Chimaev is tough ͏when he i͏͏s lo͏cked͏ in͏ on you. While having a conversation with Dar͏ren Til͏l, ‘͏Borz’ promised͏ to be as rough as possible on Whittaker and make sure that he takes his revenge, “Of course, you know this man I’ll beat him for you man, and bring his head for you and hang him up at home man, to Liverpool for you,” said Chimaev. Regardless, what’s your take on the hubbub? State your thoughts in the comments below.