Serena Williams owned the court when she wore a black catsuit at this year’s French Open. She partially chose this particular outfit because it limits the risk of blood clots, which she’s had scary experiences with many times now throughout her life and career.
Also, she came back in action after several months due to her pregnancy, which included various complications, especially after the childbirth. Hence, wearing the catsuit only seemed prudent.
In an interview for Tennis Magazine’s 500th interview, French Tennis Federation president Bernard Giudicelli announced the Open will be introducing a new, more restrictive dress code moving forward. He explained this decision by saying ‘’I think that sometimes we’ve gone too far” and “[the catsuit] will no longer be accepted. One must respect the game and the place.’’
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This decision did not go down well with the fan and supporters. Here is how twitter reacted to the announcement.
You can take the superhero out of her costume, but you can never take away her superpowers. #justdoit pic.twitter.com/dDB6D9nzaD
— Nike (@Nike) August 25, 2018
Bernard Giudicelli, the French Tennis Federation chief announced a dress code for the 2019 French Open, which includes outlawing Serena Williams catsuit. Makes perfect sense for a fat, bald, aging man to be making fashion decisions for elite athletes. #FrenchOpen #SerenaWilliams pic.twitter.com/VDQyQmv4ln
— Minimal Effort with Jason Sweet (@MinimalEffortJS) August 24, 2018
EVERY player at the French open should wear a catsuit just to be petty and support my Queen #SerenaWilliams . What would they do, shut the whole tournament down? pic.twitter.com/qtTUltZKDZ
— WhatFreshHellisThis (@BlackBolekaja) August 24, 2018
I would like Serena to show up in this outfit for French Open next year and then remove it revealing a catsuit with a crown emblem. 👑 pic.twitter.com/uYwE9yorYb
— LaWanda (@lawanda50) August 23, 2018
#FrenchOpen won’t let #SerenaWilliams wear her black catsuit again
French Tennis Fed pres Giudicelli, says"I think sometimes we've gone too far. It will no longer be accepted. One must respect the game & place."
Please explain how this catsuit is disrespectful?
Sit down dude. pic.twitter.com/nNA5d4bvWz— Cindy Poluta (@CindyPoluta) August 24, 2018
Men telling #SerenaWilliams she can't wear pants to work is so 2018… and so 1985 (when men freaked out about Anne White's pantsuit @Wimbledon)– especially because Serena's pants are blood clot preventing compression leggings. Stop regulating the way we look for your comfort. pic.twitter.com/5i29Vgkgma
— Jenn (@8675309Carson) August 24, 2018
Serena Williams is the greatest gift tennis has ever had and the French Open organisers can't even respect her health?? they should have been honoured she even played! she looked amazing in her bodysuit, there was nothing wrong with it! #FrenchOpen @serenawilliams #SerenaWilliams pic.twitter.com/vG09Hdm6mG
— Hannah Blackbird 🇵🇸 (@coffeewriter94) August 25, 2018
We stand with @serenawilliams . 🎾🏸. @frenchopen4you are advising us you don’t care about women’s health?#SerenaWilliams #Serena #WomenHealth pic.twitter.com/f6pbE3RbnU
— Shalicha Meredith (@Shalicha2) August 25, 2018
Reminder that thin Anne White wore a white body suit at Wimbledon for non medical reasons over 30 years ago and it was A-ok in the rulebook, but a muscular black woman shows up in a medically designed black body suit and the French Open is SCANDALIZED. #SerenaWilliams #FrenchOpen pic.twitter.com/LLyNfjaP6J
— Lily Slay (@slay_thebeast) August 24, 2018
-23 majors
-Charity work for education and AIDS research
-Successful businesswoman#FrenchOpen
-Catsuit "disrespects" the gameGTFOH!!
— 🤘gimmejams🤘 (@80sjams) August 24, 2018
The game seems quite content to be played no matter what women wear. Perhaps this man should focus on his own fashion choices and respect the GOAT's rights to wear whatever the hell she pleases. #getoffhercourt https://t.co/sS7QcyJp3y
— shonda rhimes (@shondarhimes) August 24, 2018
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I don’t get this thing of Serena’s catsuit being deemed inappropriate for the French Open. All the women in professional tennis wear tiny, “revealing” clothes but the catsuit is inappropriate? You absolutely cannot convince me that this is anything other than misogynoir.
— Jelly Rowland (@THISisLULE) August 24, 2018
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According the French Open organizers, this catsuit that Serena Williams wore this year is 'inappropriate' so they've banned it. Ja no, being black and excellent is tough 🙄
It literally has her entire body covered. pic.twitter.com/NgplF4hdMf
— Zweli Mbhele (@TheZweli) August 24, 2018