
TSM Myth went on record to say, “Controller gamers aren’t real gamers”.

The statement has sparked a lot of controversy in the gaming community. Myth is a popular Fortnite player playing for Team SoloMid. He rose to fame since the inception of Fortnite. Moreover, fans hailed Myth as one of the greatest builders in the game. He averaged over 30,000 viewers on Twitch in the early days of Fortnite.


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Players consider gaming with controllers harder than the mouse and keyboard. Therefore, games have an option for aim assist when players use controllers. There is a forever ongoing battle between such players due to the skill gap that exists between controllers and peripheral.

In that environment, the statement by TSM Myth comes as a surprise. The statement also sounds hypocritical as coming from Myth, who also used controller at one point of time in his professional gaming career.

Nickmercs reminds TSM Myth of his beginnings

In March 2019, Myth switched to controller and take advantage of the aim assist to help him perform better in competitive tournaments. He tweeted that he is practicing building using controller as a part of the switch. Moreover, in an earlier stream, Myth said he’s left the “Keyboard Warriors” and now he’s part of the “Controller Army”.


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This is exactly what Nick also pointed out in a reply to Myth’s recent tweet. He shamed him for making such a statement and forgetting where he came from. Being a controller player himself, Nick would definitely take offence as he knows the amount of hard work that goes into competing against keyboard and mouse players.


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The change of opinion in just over a year is ironic. Myth himself appreciated controller players while he made the switch, and now after a complete 180, he thinks they aren’t even gamers. This probably isn’t Myth’s first controversy and might not be his last. However, it might impact his audience, which hasn’t been strong in the last few months.