
Epic Games used to have a lot of fun with its Battle Royale game, Fortnite. They once filled a game, that is not mostly about the bling and crossovers, with actual surprises. Whether it was an April Fool’s surprise or a Fortnightmare scare, it really was exciting.

Let’s take a trip down memory lane and reminisce when times were much simpler. The only things that raged players were harmless pranks by Epic Games instead of the lack of quality in Fortnite.

Top5Gaming on YouTube compiled all the instances when Epic Games trolled players by adding things unannounced and surprising them.


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Rogue Impulse Grenades to random zombies, Fortnite definitely had a laugh

The first prank that Epic Games ever pulled on Fortnite players was back in 2018. It was the first-ever April Fool’s day after the Battle Royale game came out, and what better occasion to pull off a great prank. The developers secretly increased the power of the Impulse Grenades in the game. Instead of providing a short boost to players, the grenade launched them far away, destined for inevitable death.

Another amazing prank that Epic Games pulled on its players came during the Fortnightmare event. Nearing Halloween in 2019, the developers added randomly spawning zombies in the game. Whenever players passed dumpsters, cars, or street lights, they would get a jump scare as zombies popped out of nowhere. This really freaked many people when it initially came out, and even after they had knowledge of this, the surprise element still made it scary.

Remember that time when everyone thought Fortnite is going to destroy the Tilted Towers’ location? When the first live event was just around the corner, there were many hints towards the destruction of Tilted. This even got #riptilted trending on Twitter. PlayStation users reported mysterious vibrations in morse code. However, all of this turned out to be nothing when the rocket aimed at Tilted disappeared through the rift.

Crossovers and storylines that Epic Games left incomplete

One of the most exciting collaborations the Epic Games had lined up for fans was with the popular horror movie franchise IT. There were red balloons tied to storm drains all over the map, similar to the movies. Everyone thought they were getting a Pennywise the Clown skin in the game. Even data miners confirmed the collaboration. However, with Chapter One Season X’s arrival, the collab unfortunately took a backseat and never arrived.


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Another storyline was how Midas was going to don the Cyclo suit and save the map. Once again, Epic Games left fans hanging as they did not follow up on the storyline, and no one ever heard of Midas again.

Finally, there was the idea that Galactus found out about the Zero Point due to the rift left open by Siona and Dio. The theory became popular really quickly, as it had a lot of merit to it. However, Epic promptly denied any connection between the two, upsetting the fans once again.


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Various other unintentional events, such as the Infinity Blade and the Tenet Crossover, left players confused or enraged. However, after the first couple of times, players saw the humorous element in these pranks and had a chuckle or two. Hopefully, the master of pranks returns soon to make the game interesting.

Which was your favorite prank that Epic pulled on its fanbase? Let us know in the comments section.