
Many Twitch celebrities, including TommyInnit, showed up to meet and greet their fans at the TwitchCon in Amsterdam. The 2022 TwitchCon was the first convention held after the pandemic hit. As a result, many fans and creators were eager to attend it! In fact, controversially popular creator, JiDion also showed up at the event, but without an invitation.

Everything seemed well until JiDion decided to interact with TommyInnit. Apparently, JiDion made some uncomfortable remarks and broke the line that fans were maintaining to meet Tommy. The authorities kicked out JiDion from the event following the scene.


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But, it was not until a day before that TommyInnit decided to share his views regarding the incident, leading to the dormant feud taking a larger form. Tommy shared how he was extremely intolerant of harassment. He also elaborated a bit regarding the incident, while adding in bits of his childhood experience.

TommyInnit on the TwitchCon issue involving JiDion

As it happens, JiDion managed to annoy a lot of attendees at the TwitchCon Amsterdam this year. The controversial creator was permanently banned from Twitch earlier this year, on grounds of harassing Pokimane. So, it was natural for JiDion to not get an invite for this year’s TwitchCon. However, the popular prankster is known for his nonchalant attitude toward rules and gatecrashed the event.

READ MORE: JiDion Intrigues Logan Paul With the Biggest Lesson From His Heated Feud With Pokimane

In addition to gatecrashing, he disrupted TommyInnit’s meet and greet, as many attendees reported. Although he was asked to leave the event later, Tommy wasn’t done. The popular Minecraft creator and streamer decided to address the incident through a stream on July 19. In fact, his frustration was clearly understandable.


TommyInnit mentioned how JiDion acted rudely, apologizing to his fans for the same. “During my Meet and Greet, this f***ing troll creator shoved into the line and started being a d**k to you lot. Being super rude, and just a f***ing prick. First of all, I’m sorry I didn’t see him earlier and sort him out,” Tommy said.

He added that the Twitch Staff was too focused on keeping him safe, leading to negligence. “They were so caught up in keeping me safe that they didn’t check up on you lot,” he shared. However, he assured that the staff will not let such incidents happen in future events.

Tommy’s thoughts on bullying

Tommy’s anger was quite justified, considering JiDion’s annoying personality. Moreover, Tommy also reiterated how harassment shouldn’t be tolerated. “I don’t want anyone to feel like they’re in f***ing school, being made fun of when they’re lining up to meet me. It’s like I won’t have it. Don’t make fun of people for being passionate about s***, being happy,” he proclaimed.


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“I got bullied, right, I think most of us had some experience dealing with pricks and that can really put you down. When I was at school I would try to fit in and it sucked. I didn’t enjoy trying to fit in! And, I was bad at it… And, I want you’ll to know, I have only learned this over the past few years, you don’t have to do that,” TommyInnit shared.

Did JiDion comment?


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Although TommyInnit’s views and revelations are entirely believable, JiDion wasn’t going to stand down and accept the allegations. He took to Instagram to share his point of view, claiming to have video evidence that will prove Tommy’s statements false. According to JiDion, the video will air next week.

What do you think about this feud? Let us know in the comments!