
Chapter 2, Season 5 of Fortnite has almost winded up with the new season starting in under two weeks. The season has been full of content with collaborations from different pop culture media. IPs like Street Fighter, Halo, God of War, and many more made their presence felt in the game. Popular YouTuber Ali “SypherPK” Hassan gave his views on Season 5, along with the changes he would love to see in Season 6.


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SypherPK gives his thoughts on Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 5

The final collaboration of the game for Season 5 came with the new Antman skin. He now joins the long list of characters from the entertainment world recruited by Agent Jones. While using the new skin, SypherPK gave a recap of the current season as it nears its end. He called it a “season of collaboration” with the extensive amount of cosmetic items from different IPs.

Hassan did not mind the collaboration-heavy season, but many others wanted an extensive addition in the gameplay department. The season particularly had no new weapons or items that would have created an enormous shift in the gameplay.

Fans who are not into the new collaborations might have felt the season to be a dud, compared to the previous seasons. The other seasons still had their share of collaborations, but simultaneously, new guns or vehicles were also introduced.


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SypherPK’s wishlist for Season 6

Although SypherPK considered the collaborations a major selling point for the game, he believes that the new season should tweak it a bit. He wants Epic Games to slow down with the cosmetics and bring the focus back on the gameplay and add extra elements to it. This includes fresh changes to the map, more guns, and items that can have a significant effect on the gameplay.

It will be interesting to see how Epic Games concludes Season 5 and introduces the new season. Players might also see the final team of recruits that Agent Jonesy has assembled to stop anyone from escaping through the loop. Moreover, the game might also bring a tremendous change with the Zero Point, as it hasn’t had one in a long while.


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Chapter 2 Season 6 of Fortnite starts on March 16.

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