Rhea Ripley and Fiancé Buddy Matthews Playfully Embrace the Pineapple on Pizza Debate in Costume Bliss

The pineapple on pizza debate, known as Hawaiian pizza, has enthralled food lovers for years. Celebrities and chefs have strong opinions on it, including Rhea Ripley. But her fiancé, Buddy Matthews, might have a different view.

Taking a Stand - Ripley Style

On October 6th, 2023, Buddy Matthews' fiancé playfully debated pineapple on pizza in a Twitter pic, reflecting their fun and dynamic persona as pro wrestlers. Ripley supported pineapple as a pizza topping, while Matthews seemed less thrilled, but their bond shone through.

A Soft Spot Amidst Heel Personas

Rhea and Matthews are known for their strong personas in wrestling and have a genuine friendship despite their challenging on-screen image. Despite being from different promotions, they often find time to bond with each other.

Buddy Matthews Longs for "Mami"

Pro wrestlers like Buddy and Rhea face the challenge of constant touring, leaving little time for personal moments. Matthews recently expressed his longing for Ripley on Instagram, and she reciprocated the sentiment when they finally reunited.

Love Amidst Wrestling Rings

Buddy Matthews, formerly "Murphy" in WWE, met her in 2021. Despite fans' speculations, they stayed together when Matthews moved to AEW in 2022 but got engaged in August 2023.

Fan's reactions to Rhea's no makeup look

“I like how pretty she looks when she’s not wearing all that makeup.”
“still looks gorgeous af with it.”

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