The 84-Year-Old Equestrian Enthusiast's Better Half Reflects on Their Impact on Kentucky

Former Kentucky Governor Brereton Jones left a lasting impact on the community, and his legacy is still honored by those close to him. In an exclusive interview with former Governor Steve Beshear and his wife Jane, we explore the special bond among Kentucky governors and remember Jones's life and contributions.

A Bond Forged in the Political Arena

Former Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear discusses the camaraderie shared among the former leaders, emphasizing the importance of understanding their unique journeys and the challenges and rewards of serving as governor.

Nostalgic Mornings: Coffee and Politics

Steve and Jane Beshear start their mornings with coffee and political discussions, reminiscing about the past and comparing it to today's political landscape. Jane fondly remembers a "nicer" time, while Steve acknowledges some significant changes over the years.

Remembering a Forward-Looking Leader

Jones's influence on Kentucky's healthcare system is a testament to his governance. He led healthcare reform in the 90s and secured a constitutional amendment, allowing multiple terms for governors and statewide officials. Moreover, Jones prioritized the state's future over his gain by not benefiting from the amendment.

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