Equestrian Trainer Shares Inspiring Insights on Her Journey in Recent Update

Stepping into the industry as an 18-year-old equestrian enthusiast, Sophie Seymour turned into a passionate trainer. But after losing the 14-year-old Roo to a tragic accident, Sophie came forward to help equine with behavioral problems, also trains and schools them. Now, celebrating the progress toward one of the equines, the trainer took to Facebook to share her win.

Sophie Seymour's Equine journey

Through Roo's Legacy, Sophie manages 3 equines, contests at eventing, and team chasing, while keeping the online community updated with her frequent posts.

The equestrian's notable feat

On Saturday, Sophie took to Facebook to share an update on her Team Chaser horse, Wrigley. According to the update, Sophie had no control over Wrigley. However, “Two years of trying to get this horse to settle, Today I went XC schooling BITLESS,” wrote Sophie. 

Magic of persistence 

Despite being hurt by Wrigley on multille occasions Spohie believed in both their abilities, and it paid off. Now, Wrigley's exceptional progress proves Sophie’s persistence and dedication towards her passion.

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