76-Year-Old Arnold Schwarzenegger Exposes Well-Kept Secret of $120.96 Billion Industry Ruining American Lives

Schwarzenegger uses his daily newsletter, ‘Arnold’s Pump Club,’ to spread awareness about the optimum way to train and the correct diet to follow so that people get all the essential nutrients. He currently has a 550,000- member fitness community. In the most recent edition of his newsletter, he talks about “how food industry is messing with your mind.”

Arnold Schwarzenegger explains the problem with the junk food industry

Being from a small village in Austria, Arnold never had too many junk options available to him. However, as time passed, the now $120.96 billion junk food, also evolved, and the availability of junk food increased.

Schwarzenegger explains in the newsletter that it was in the 1970s when obesity suddenly saw a huge rise in America after food manufacturers started mass production of ultra-processed foods. Schwarzenegger further made an exciting revelation, stating, “People consumed 500 more calories when they ate ultra-processed food compared to less processed food.”

Schwarzenegger explained this further by pointing out that “the reason is that these foods create a scarcity loop—as outlined in the fantastic new book Scarcity Brain—which controls you and can influence behaviors you want to avoid.”

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