
Tonight, the Champions League final kicks off between Real Madrid and Borussia Dortmund. The La Liga giants will undoubtedly be the favorites, given that they won 14 times and are aiming for number 15. Heading into the all-important match, all eyes will be trained on the likes of Jude Bellingham, Vinicius Jr, and the other forwards. However, the defense is just as vital, with one of the key players being Lucas Vazquez.

The 32-year-old plays at Right Back for the Galacticos and has done so since 2015. Prior to that, he started his career with the Real Madrid C team in 2010-11 seasons. A year later, he graduated to the B team, where he stuck around for four years. The 2014-15 season witnessed Vazquez get a move to Espanyol for a year. Following its conclusion, and with valuable experience under his belt, he was promoted to Real Madrid’s first team.

Up close and personal


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Let’s rewind the clock back a little, shall we? When he was still a young rising star, Vazquez met Macarena Rodríguez in 2013 and there was a spark between them. After four years of dating, Vazquez and Rodriguez officially stopped dancing around and got married. After marriage, parenthood was not long for the couple, with three children, Lucas Jr, Maca, and Benji joining them soon. Lucas Jr was born in 2018. Two years later, he became a big brother with the birth of his sister Maca. The siblings got another brother again in 2023 with the birth of Benji.


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Fondly known as Maca Capilla, Macarena Rodriguez doesn’t really offer too much insight into her personal life. What we do know is that her sister, Montse, is married to Spanish third-division goalkeeper Andres Prieto. Moving on to her personal details, she studied Physical Activity and Sports Sciences and boasts a teaching degree in Physical Education. While not much is known about her occupation, she will undoubtedly be cheering her husband on at the Champions League final.

Lucas Vazquez will receive a massive boost from the club


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Ahead of the Champions League final, reports suggest that he is close to inking a new deal with Real Madrid. At the age of 32, there will be inevitable questions about his fitness. This could explain why the contract is rumored to last just one year long. With the way he is playing for the La Liga giants, age is just a number. If these new contract rumors are true, this will be Vazquez’s 10th season at the Spanish capital.

This makes him a veteran at the club, and he has come a long way in his career. From starting off as a winger, Lucas Vazquez adapted his game and eventually took on the role of Right Back. Initially, he was supposed to be a backup for Dani Carvajal. What made the transition to Right Back easier was his ability to switch from attack to defense. Now, he has since come into his own and turned into a vital cog for Carlo Ancelotti’s squad.