
If you are into fitness, you definitely would have heard about the VO2 max workout. But if you do not know much about the technique, leading fitness expert Dr. Rhonda Patrick has some insights for you. In her latest podcast video with Chris Williamson, she shared a marvelous VO2 four-by-four Norwegian exercise protocol, that can reverse the cardiac age phenomenon by up to a whopping 20 years!

Seems unbelievable right? But Dr. Patrick’s explanation makes it all clear. Explaining the whole process through the podcast, she gave her insights on the exercise after Williamson asked her about it.


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Dr. Rhonda Patrick gives a simple breakdown of VO2 max workout

The scientist who completed her studies in mitochondrial metabolism believes that the four-by-four Norwegian protocol is one of the best exercises. When Williamson asked her, “Dr. Peter Attia, told me that VO2 is the single most important metric when looking at someone’s longevity how much truth do you think is in that?” She did not waste a single moment to share why she loved the technique.

The scientist with 500,000 subscribers on her growing FoundMyFitness said, “The thing I love about it (the VO2 max) is it’s something you can measure. It’s a biomarker, I think it’s one of the most important things, absolutely.” According to Patrick, the protocol comprises four minutes at the highest intensity that one can maintain, followed by a three-minute recovery time with lighter exercise. This intense process is then repeated four times. She further detailed research studies that took a sample of 50-year-olds who maintained this routine for two years. The final results were extremely astonishing because they discovered that the cardiac aging structure of the participants was reduced by 20 long years!

This was a scientific breakthrough because it meant that this exercise could solely be possible for giving people hearts that are as healthy as a 30-year-old. This motivated Rhonda a lot because the participants were untrained people who “don’t usually workout but by the end of the month they were getting at it!” So, the renowned fitness scientist decided to step up her game too!

Dr. Patrick’s revelation on the VO2 workout is yet another guarantee that fitness can tame the biological clock and even reverse it! Let’s break down the ‘how’ of this process.


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How can fitness reverse the biological clock?

It is possible to control how fast the hands of our biological clocks run with the help of fitness. Fitness as well as lifestyle choices hugely impact our biological clocks. From inadequate sleeping habits to smoking and poor cardiovascular health, anything as small as not even drinking water properly can speed up our biological clock.

However, strictly maintaining fitness levels can slow down the clock exponentially. Higher fitness levels can also reverse the person’s biological clock by almost a decade! Former Mr. Olympia champion Dorian Yates had undergone a test to determine his biological age from his chronological age before turning 61. He discovered that thanks to his strict diet and exercise his biological age was around 39.

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Yates and Dr. Rhonda Patrick are examples of the fact that fitness can in fact lead to reverse aging. Whether you decide to do the VO2 max protocol or just maintain a simple exercise routine, fitness is certainly going to help you in the long run.

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