
The developers of Red Dead Redemption 2, the award-winning title from Rockstar Games, have finally fixed a major issue in the game. For a long time now, players have been complaining about various instances of cheating in the game’s multiplayer.

Red Dead Online, the multiplayer aspect of the game, has been struggling with hackers since the beginning of the game. Usually what the hackers do is they spawn various elements, objects, or characters from the single-player gameplay into the Red Dead Online world using mod menu.

Read more: Video Game Devs Apologize For Racist Enemy Design


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Usually, the hackers spawn characters and models like a dog, or a horse, or a carriage in the Red Dead Online world. But for a while now, certain hackers have been spawning the Ku Klux Klan and terrorizing players. Ku Klux Klan appears in this Wild-West style survival game as a part of the single-player gameplay, in accordance with the setting of the game.

Players are taking this as virtual racism

A lot of players had been complaining about these cheat-attacks. It is clear that the motive of these hackers is clearly racist since a lot of Asian and Black players have complained that hackers have spawned KKK NPCs on them just because their characters were not white.

Even if this is a joke, it is in a very bad humour, no matter what the current climate is. Hackers have spawned insane mods in Red Dead Online even before, but this is unacceptable. These virtual racist attacks in Red Dead Online have been occurring since 2019, and certain players have been creating supremacist cults in the game to target coloured characters.


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Rockstar Games have announced recently that they have fixed the issue. According to them, they have now taken measures to prevent any hacker to spawn Ku Klux Klan NPCs, and prevent hackers from obtaining the Ku Klux Klan outfit in Red Dead Online.


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In solidarity with racial injustice

Rockstar Games has shown solidarity with the recent Black Lives Matters protests following the death of George Floyd. They had taken down the servers of Red Dead Redemption Online and GTA Online for two hours to pay their respects.

A lot of other developers have already joined the roster of companies willing to take a stand against racism in their own way, trying to filter their games of any in-game racist content.