
Mixer Streamer and Fortnite icon Ninja recently posted on Twitter in support of #BlackoutTuesday. The movement is in support of the nation-wide protest against racism. It is also to bring about more awareness around the ‘Black Lives Matter’ movement in the USA.

#BlackoutTuesday has been taking the internet by storm, with many celebrities, sports figures, and eminent personalities in all fields showing their support. In support of this, Ninja will not be live streaming any games or making any online posts on Tuesday. Furthermore, this ensures that no attention is taken away from the pressing issues America is facing right now.


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Also ReadNBA stars voice support for #BlackoutTuesday

Ninja speaks out in support of the movement

Ninja is presumably the largest streamer on the internet, with probably the widest reach out of many famous personalities. He has decided to follow the movement and bring attention to it. Ninja’s stance is undeniably a noble one. He could have just continued to stream his content. This would draw a lot more views on the day, with little other entertainment available online. Ninja, however, chose not to.

Ninja also supports the causes and discussions around the racism issues in America. He recently spoke out against President Donald Trump’s inactions during this crisis.


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#BlackoutTuesday was started by two black women working in the music industry. Many famous personalities, including musicians, filmmakers, and sportspersons, have shown their support. 

#TheShowMustBePaused is a similar protest movement that has been adopted by artists online. This indicates the willingness of performers to shut down all of their content and art for a day so that the community can decide what to do next.


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The supporters of #BlackoutTuesday upload a single black picture onto their social media. The movement has gained so much traction that #BlackLivesMatter on Instagram or Twitter is full of black squares. This is to bring about awareness of the Black Lives Matter movement.

Ninja has been extremely outspoken in his views, and his disgust at the office of the President. Reaching his wide audience with a message is to make a difference. Please watch this space for more updates.