
Top Mixer streamer Tyler “Ninja” Blevins recently announced about hosting his own tournament. Therefore, we reported how ‘Ninja Battles featuring Fortnite‘ could light Mixer up. The invitational competition will continue for six weeks and has a net prize pool of $480,000, i.e., $80,000 for each weekly episode.

Consequently, the tournament kicked off on May 28, featuring some of the finest Fortnite players in the lineup, and Ninja broadcasted the matches on his Mixer channel. TSM Fortnite pros, Anthony “ZexRow” Colandro and Mack “MackWood” Aesoph, and Jonathan “Calc” Weber won Week 1 of the competition by accumulating 59 points. The trio also took home a collective sum of $25,000 for reigning supreme.

However, it seems Zexrow got carried away with the victory and ended up cursing his competitors without worrying about consequences.


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ZexRow disrespects contenders after winning ‘Ninja Battles featuring Fortnite’

After winning the invitational event, the player for TSM joined the two commentators for a post-match interview. When asked for any final shout outs or projects he’s working on, ZexRow ended up dissing his rivals from the latest FNCS Invitational, which just concluded recently.

He said, “Last FNCS didn’t go too well, but I just made more than top 9 in it. So everyone that didn’t place in top 10 can suck my di**. They’re f**ing s***ters. I don’t know why they talk shit. They’re also dogs**t and braindead. That’s all I’m saying,” and ended his rant.

Here’s a clip of the incident posted by a Twitter user.

However, he realized his mistake soon after the broadcast ended and apologized to Ninja, the organizers, TSM, and fans for his immature actions. It isn’t a career-ending mistake, but the damage had already been done.

Although Ninja congratulated him for the victory, he also mentioned that the placement would be his “first and last.”

Soon after, people called for TSM to drop ZexRow for the unprofessionalism on display. He responded, “I’ll ask them if I can leave…I feel as I’m 2 much of a pr nightmare, I just feel bad for tsm and all the hate they’ll get for this.”

Fellow Fortnite pros disapproved of his improper actions, but at the same time don’t feel it’s as bad as cheating in a tournament.


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Meanwhile, SypherPK had a more mature analysis of the situation. He does have a valid point here.


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Well, it seems Ninja Battles will go ahead as planned on June 4 without TSM Zexrow. Hopefully, his teammates MackWood and Calc don’t have to bear the sufferings and get the new third they’re looking for.