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Bildnummer: 04155589 Datum: 05.12.2008 Copyright: imago/Icon SMI O.J. Simpson (USA) wird bei seiner Urteilsverkündung zu mindestens 15 Jahren Gefängnis verurteilt – PUBLICATIONxINxGERxSUIxAUTxHUNxRUSxSWExNORxONLY (Icon4640812053391); Vdig, quer, close, privat, NFL, OJ, Urteil, Strafe, Haftstrafe, Haft, Gefängnisstrafe Gericht 2008, Gerichtsverhandlung, Gerichtsverfahren, Verfahren, Prozess, Gerichtsprozess Las Vegas Enttäuschung, American Football Herren Mannschaft USA Einzelbild pessimistisch Privatbild Personen Image number 04155589 date 05 12 2008 Copyright imago Icon Smi o J Simpson USA will at his Judgement was delivered to at least 15 Years Prison convicted PUBLICATIONxINxGERxSUIxAUTxHUNxRUSxSWExNORxONLY Icon4640812053391 Vdig horizontal Close Private NFL OJ Judgement Penalty Prison sentence Arrest u0026#39;Imprisonment Court 2008 Court hearing Trial procedures Process Court process Las Vegas Disappointment American Football men Team USA Single pessimistic Private Human Beings

via Imago
Bildnummer: 04155589 Datum: 05.12.2008 Copyright: imago/Icon SMI O.J. Simpson (USA) wird bei seiner Urteilsverkündung zu mindestens 15 Jahren Gefängnis verurteilt – PUBLICATIONxINxGERxSUIxAUTxHUNxRUSxSWExNORxONLY (Icon4640812053391); Vdig, quer, close, privat, NFL, OJ, Urteil, Strafe, Haftstrafe, Haft, Gefängnisstrafe Gericht 2008, Gerichtsverhandlung, Gerichtsverfahren, Verfahren, Prozess, Gerichtsprozess Las Vegas Enttäuschung, American Football Herren Mannschaft USA Einzelbild pessimistisch Privatbild Personen Image number 04155589 date 05 12 2008 Copyright imago Icon Smi o J Simpson USA will at his Judgement was delivered to at least 15 Years Prison convicted PUBLICATIONxINxGERxSUIxAUTxHUNxRUSxSWExNORxONLY Icon4640812053391 Vdig horizontal Close Private NFL OJ Judgement Penalty Prison sentence Arrest u0026#39;Imprisonment Court 2008 Court hearing Trial procedures Process Court process Las Vegas Disappointment American Football men Team USA Single pessimistic Private Human Beings
OJ Simpson might be the most notoriously famous face in NFL history as we know it today. He was an excellent footballer during his prime. But his image has been marred because of the controversies that have surrounded his life. He also used to be very rich. Before the infamous ‘OJ Simpson trial’ and his divorce from his wife, they estimated him at a net worth of around $10.8 million back in 1992. This would accumulate to around $18 million in today’s day and age. But ‘The Juice’ does not have a lot of juice in-store today.
Half of OJ Simpson’s wealth back then came from an asset that was hidden from the public eye. But soon after, he had to say goodbye to the very thing that gave him his net worth back in the day.
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The most valuable asset of OJ Simpson lost in rumbles
According to Celebrity Net Worth, OJ had a net worth of around $10.8 million in 1992. This came to light after the legal filings of his divorce from his wife, Nicole, back in 1992. The filings showed that half of Simpson’s net worth was because of the value his Brentwood estate carried. OJ Simpson had brought up that estate for $650,000 back in 1977.
But in order to settle the divorce with Nicole back then, he had to pay $10,000 per month in child support. Not only this, but he also had to make a one-time payment of $433,750 to Nicole. Along with all of this, Nicole also received a rented property in San Francisco from OJ Simpson.

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OJ Simpson, Nicole Simpson, circa 1980s. Photo By Jesse Nash/PHOTOlink/Everett Collection OJ Simpson Nicole Simpson3025 For usage credit please use PUBLICATIONxINxGERxSUIxAUTxONLY Copyright: xPHOTOlink/CourtesyxEverettxCollectionx ASCA019 F4306
Unfortunately, OJ Simpson defaulted on his mortgage payment on the Brentwood estate. This led to him being evacuated from the property in 1997. They bought the estate in foreclosure for $4 million and subsequently demolished it, bringing down Simpson’s net worth altogether.
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What are the sources of income for Simpson in present times?
OJ Simpson today mostly earns his money through a fully funded NFL pension worth up to $5 million. But after his infamous trial back in 1995, they ordered Simpson to pay the Goldman family $33.5 million in damages. But thanks to state laws, the Goldman family cannot recover that amount from Simpson through the pension that he earns. Is is protected by law.
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Simpson has only paid the Goldmans $500,000 of the $33.5 million after he sold most of his personal assets in the 90s. While his pension money is safe, the Goldmans will look to recover any other source of income made by Simpson.