
USA Today via Reuters

USA Today via Reuters

The on-field rivalry between Peyton Manning and Ray Lewis is unmatched. Their battles on the field left a lasting impression and became the stuff of legends. Both players were at the top of their respective positions, constantly pushing each other to their limits. Every time Manning’s offense lined up against Ray, the fans knew it was about to go down. But off-field, they are more of a family than friends. They joke around and dwell on their past matchups.

In the show “Peyton’s Places” the duo met again, discussing their rivalry and love for the game. But they both were uncomfortable and unhappy about a certain event that happened only once in the NFL’s history.

Peyton Manning embarrassed by the debacle


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The Baltimore Ravens faced the San Francisco 49ers in the Super Bowl XLVII. The stakes were very high for both teams. The match took place in New Orleans, home to Peyton Manning. The Ravens were leading the match, but unexpectedly, the whole stadium suffered a power outage in the third quarter of the game. The outage lasted for 34 minutes. Ray Lewis was leading the defensive team of the Ravens in the match and was very unhappy with the outcome. He said that his team was not ready at all after the power came back on.

via Imago

Manning, in his show, explained to Lewis that the whole incident was very disappointing for him. Peyton didn’t expect this to happen in a major event like the Super Bowl, which was held in his home state. He said he takes pride in his state’s electricity, but the whole incident was totally surprising. Ray jokingly asked Manning, who made the call to turn off the stadium power, to which he replied amusedly that he had no idea.

Read More: “Ain’t Been the Same Since”: Peyton Manning Slammed Ray Lewis & Rex Ryan for Underestimating ‘Greatness’


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Ray Lewis’ long-due Super Bowl

The 34-minute delay had several effects on the on-field players. They had to wait half an hour without lights. They weren’t mentally prepared to handle what was to come after the lights came back on. Ray told Manning that the players lost the motivation to play when the power came back on. They spent the whole outage without any warm-up. The fans were also very anxious and disappointed.


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But after the power was restored, Ray’s team managed to pull through and win the game. They were leading in the points, so it was fairly easier to perform even under pressure. Ray said that all he ever wanted was for Manning to respect him, as he was ruthless while playing against him. Manning admitted that Ray was a force not to be reckoned with, and he learned it the hard way every time that he faced him.

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