
via Imago

via Imago

D?spit? th? Michigan Wolv?rin?s, l?d by Jim Harbaugh, s?curing an impr?ssiv? No. 3 spot in th? NCAA with ?ight winning str?aks this s?ason, th? h?ad coach finds hims?lf amidst a storm of scrutiny. Whil? c?l?brating th?ir on-fi?ld succ?ss, Harbaugh’s pr?stig? is und?r qu?stion, not just for all?g?d sign-st?aling but also conc?rning a p?culiar d?v?lopm?nt on his social m?dia front.

Although, th? 59-y?ar-old coach v?h?m?ntly d?ni?s any involv?m?nt in sign-st?aling activiti?s, y?t public trust, as w?ll as th? confid?nc? of Michigan authoriti?s, app?ars to b? waning. With th? truth y?t to unfold, suspicions grow, ?sp?cially following th? susp?nsion of Connor Stalions.

Jim Harbaugh is Guilty, claims Bayl?ss


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As th? all?gations r?v?rb?rat? through coll?g? football, r?nown?d sports comm?ntator Skip Bayl?ss has point?d fing?rs at Michigan’s h?ad coach, Jim Harbaugh. In a recent video of UNDISPUTED Bayl?ss highlighted Harbaugh’s all?g?d knowl?dg? of th? cov?rt sign-st?aling activities, ?mphasizing th? h?ad coach’s r?sponsibility for ?v?rything within th? program.

Bayl?ss qu?stion?d Harbaugh’s role in th? unfolding scandal as h? said, “H?’s b??n d?scrib?d to m? as kind of a Michigan fanboy, you know, lik? a sup?r fan. But h? has b??n around th? program. H? has sort of ingratiat?d hims?lf into th? program. I think h?’d b??n bl?ss?d by th? program b?caus? h? did hav? an offic? in th? in th? facility, and h? do?s go on th? road with th? program, but h? w?nt compl?t?ly ov?r th? ?dg? of that road b?caus? h? w?nt up on th? C?ntral Michigan sid?lin?, dr?ss?d in C?ntral Michigan coaching garb, right.”

NCAA is being forced to susp?nd Harbaugh


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Bayl?ss’ bold claim came after a former ?mploy?? at a Big T?n football program implicat?d Michigan h?ad coach Jim Harbaugh in a sign-st?aling scandal. Th? anonymous individual, f?aring r?p?rcussions for his coaching car??r, disclos?d scr??nshots of t?xt-m?ssag? ?xchang?s with staff from various Big T?n t?ams collaborating to st?al signs from th? Wolv?rin?s.

Read more: Hours After Losing Out on $36 Million, Jim Harbaugh Dealt Another Blow as Michigan Scandal Takes Another Twist

As a new layer of this controversy has unfolded now, th? NCAA is facing mounting pr?ssur? to susp?nd Jim Harbaugh ind?finit?ly. Whil? sign-st?aling its?lf is not ?xplicitly prohibit?d, th? organiz?d and w?ll-fund?d natur? of th? all?g?d sch?m? rais?s conc?rns.?Bayl?ss ?mphasiz?d th? gravity of th? situation, stating, “Th?r?’s a n?w rul? in NCAA coll?g? football and bask?tball that th? h?ad coach has to tak? full r?sponsibility for th? program. Ev?n if you quot? unquot?, had no knowl?dg? of it, it’s still your r?sponsibility to know ?v?rything that’s going on b?n?ath you in th? program.”


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While Harbaugh has constantly d?ni?d any awar?n?ss of th? sign-st?aling activities, and th? university ass?rts cooperation with th? NCAA’s inv?stigation. As th? controv?rsy swirls around Michigan’s football program, th? pr?ssur? on th? NCAA to tak? d?cisiv? action against Harbaugh continu?s to int?nsify l?aving fans and analysts alik? ?ag?rly awaiting th? final outcom?.

Watch this Story: Coach Jim Harbaugh Sets The Record Straight On Michigan?s Sign-Stealing Incident