
via Imago

via Imago

The Cormani McClain hoopla is still going in full swing. While Florida Gators HC Billy Napier put the gossip to bed about the player’s dismissal, here comes Deion Sanders’ insider, Uncle Neely, to drop some truth bomb about the ex-Buffs. As McClain made his way out of Boulder, all that he chased was to play for ‘a real program’. Now that he is wrestling the Gators in Florida, Uncle Neely is more than sure of the fact that he is the one stirring the pot. A few days back, it was Buffs alum Matt McChesney who, too, called the player “dumb” and stood up for Deion’s program. 

On July 7, the YouTube podcast BiggDoggChico dedicated their entire episode to the Cormani McClain saga as a new chapter gets added on with every passing day. And who better person to shed light on McClain and his antics other than the Buffaloes insider? As per the speculations, the CB is charged with not turning up for the meetings and training and playing it loose. And guess what Uncle Neely had to say about this? “I can also say I’m really not that surprised because we’ve seen that movie before,” informed the podcast guest. Something similar happened in Colorado when Coach Prime assigned McClain with three tasks and the player made no effort to finish any of them. All that Uncle Neely struggled to wrap his head around was what exactly McClain was running after.


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Colorado offered every tool to the player to evolve as the best of the best. He then highlighted the rich coaching roster that would have propelled McClain toward a better future. “When you got a Kevin Mathis…who played secondary NFL, when you got Rob Livingston who was a scout and coach for the secondary NFL and when you got Coach Prime who is a Hall of Famer in the secondary in the NFL, I don’t know what you’re looking for to be developed?”

It was then Uncle Neely came to the conclusion that McClain switching one program to the other has nothing to do with the location. “If the same thing happens at another place, maybe the problem wasn’t your location. Maybe you’re the problem and you keep moving the problem because the problem is you,” came the harsh claim. On July 17, McChesney pointed out further reasons why staying at Boulder would have worked in McClain’s favor. 


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Buffs alum slammed McClain on the podcast

In an interview with the Zero 2 Sixty Podcast on BLEAV Network, the Buffs alum passed a caustic remark at the CB tagging him as dumb. McChesney is convinced about the fact that McClain’s decision to drop out of Deion’s program has been nothing but a blunder. When the podcast host dropped the question, “Was Coach Prime right about Cormani McClain, letting him go?” The Buffs alum was wholeheartedly on board as he replied, “Yep, he’s right.”   

But why does McChesney feel so? His answer had the same angle that Uncle Neely pointed at the BiggDoggChico podcast. Transferring out of Colorado has been one of the worst decisions that McClain made. Since staying back in Boulder, he would have gotten the biggest opportunity of playing opposite Buffs’ dual threat, Travis Hunter. 


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As McChesney pointed out, “This kid is so dumb that he could have been the other side of Travis Hunter. You know how many balls you’re going to pick, tip, and play and like how well you can go out there and adapt and take over the game because they’re not going to throw.” Let’s hope Cormani becomes a move-mastermind soon. 

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