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LAS VEGAS, NEVADA – JULY 21: Travis Hunter #12 of the University of Colorado Buffaloes speaks with the media at Zouk Nightclub at Resorts World Las Vegas on July 21, 2023 in Las Vegas, Nevada. (Photo by Louis Grasse/Getty Images)

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LAS VEGAS, NEVADA – JULY 21: Travis Hunter #12 of the University of Colorado Buffaloes speaks with the media at Zouk Nightclub at Resorts World Las Vegas on July 21, 2023 in Las Vegas, Nevada. (Photo by Louis Grasse/Getty Images)
Th? Colorado Buffalo?s ar? curr?ntly facing a significant l?v?l of unc?rtainty following th?ir r?c?nt s?tback against th? Stanford Cardinals. D?spit? a glimm?r of hop? aft?r a glorious victory against th? Arizona Stat?, th? t?am’s subs?qu?nt loss has l?ft both Coach Prime D?ion Sand?rs and his squad d??ply frustrat?d.
Th? CU m?mb?rs ar? also ignoring all th? m?dia scrutiny and n?gativ? comm?nts on social m?dia for th? tim? b?ing as asked by Coach Prim?. With fiv? upcoming gam?s on th? horizon, th? Buffalo?s ar? d?t?rmin?d to r?d??m th?ms?lv?s in front of th?ir d?vot?d but disappoint?d fans. To ?nsur? this, th?ir star corn?rback, Travis Hunt?r, has adopted a r?sili?nt mindset and is fully committed to putting in th? n?c?ssary work for th? upcoming gam?s, as h? ?xpr?ss?d in a recent live video.
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“No bye week” for cornerback Travis Hunt?r
In a r?c?nt ?pisod? of 12 Talks with Travis Hunt?r, th? Buffalo?s’ talented corn?rback app?ar?d highly r?solut? about making am?nds to th?ir fans aft?r th? r?c?nt loss to Stanford. H? ?mphasiz?d that, now that h?’s back with th? t?am, th?r?’s no r?st for him for th? r?maind?r of th? s?ason. Hunt?r outlin?d his cl?ar plan for how h? int?nds to improv? his p?rformanc? on th? gridiron, leaving no room for complac?ncy.
?”I’m staying here, going up and train with coaches and stuff just get my work in. It’s time to get my hours back up and lock back in football. No more playing around. I’m going to work out every day at the facility, so yeah that’s my main thing and that’s what I’m going to do, just continue to get better every day so I could be the best teammate for the team,” said Hunter. Hunter, and the rest of the Buffs, have a new mantra for the rest of the season.
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Hunter and teammates are ready to take everyone
Hunt?r’s r?turn to th? fi?ld was r?markabl?, particularly consid?ring h? miss?d thr?? cons?cutiv? gam?s ?arli?r in th? s?ason du? to a lac?rat?d kidn?y. In his last gam? against Stanford, he display?d a st?llar p?rformanc?, ?xc?lling both as a corn?rback and a wid? r?c?iv?r, d?spit? th? CU’s d?f?at. H? ?xpr?ss?d his improv?d condition and his int?ntion to hit th? gym to add a “coupl? mor?” pounds of additional body weight for ?v?n b?tt?r p?rformanc? on th? fi?ld.
B?ing a v?rsatil? two-way play?r, Travis Hunt?r is d?t?rmin?d to contribut? as a corn?rback and a wid? r?c?iv?r during th? latt?r half of th? coll?g? football s?ason, striving for p?ak p?rformanc?. H? affirm?d his r?adin?ss to join his t?am on th? fi?ld and “dominate” rival t?ams for th? r?st of th? s?ason. Hunt?r also not?d that this m?ntality is shar?d by ?v?ry m?mb?r of th? t?am, as th?y ar? all committ?d to “go out and dominate” for the rest of the season.
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As their Upcoming Week 8 matchup against the UCLA Bruins is around the corner, do you think the Buffaloes will be able to “dominate” their rivals, as they are claiming? Will Hunter be able to balance both of his roles in the gridiron efficiently? Write in the comments.
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