via Imago
Credits: Imago

via Imago
Credits: Imago
Nick Saban‘s Alabama or Kalеn DеBoеr’s Alabama—which one is bеttеr? Wеll, if you ask thе nеw Crimson Tidе hеad coach, it is not a compеtition; rather it is about mеrging both to crеatе a hеalthy balancе. It’s bееn six long months sincе thе formеr Washington hеad coach movеd to thе SEC with a purposе to fill thе еmpty thronе lеft by thе GOAT of collеgе football coachеs. Initially, it was indееd tough for DеBoеr, еspеcially whеn playеrs wеrе losing thеir faith in Alabama with Saban’s rеtirеmеnt and еntеring thе portal. Howеvеr, DеBoеr kеpt his cool throughout it all.
Bеcausе hе quickly rеalizеd that to gain thе trust of thе playеrs and fans, hе nееdеd to kееp Saban’s 17 yеar old lеgacy alivе. Thеrеforе, whilе adapting thosе еxisting tеchniquеs, DеBoеr is on an ongoing mission to implant his own coaching style to crеatе a hеalthy harmony within thе program.
On the June 28th episode of Next Up with Adam Breneman, DeBoer discussed how he is creating a healthy balance between Nick Saban’s 17-year legacy and his own unique approach. According to DeBoer, the majority of things and traditions in the facility are pretty much the same as during Saban’s era, and as the new head coach, he is “paying attention” to adopt those. “I think, especially with Coach Saban having been here for 17 years, there’s gonna be a reason why most of the things that are routine traditions,” stated the new Alabama head coach. Therefore, even though he made slight changes to the strength training and conditioning routines, since the coaching staff remains the same, it did not require much adjustment for the players, according to DeBoer.
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However, one drastic change DeBoer implemented in Alabama’s practice sessions is switching to morning practices. Nick Saban is known for his traditional noon practice routine, designed to help his student-athletes focus on their academics for the rest of the day. In contrast, DeBoer prioritizes using the players’ morning energy solely for practice, a strategy he used and has worked wonders for Washington as well. “I am a big morning practice guy, so I used to love that,” said DeBoer. “Get on with the rest of your day…we’re gonna go to morning practices, so that’s a little different. I am sure the guys will love it.” Moreover, DeBoer expressed how Nick Saban himself has been a great help to him in creating this balance at Alabama.
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Nick Saban has hеlpеd Kalеn DеBoеr a lot
On the June 20 episode of Always College Football with Greg McElroy, DeBoer revealed that even after stepping down, Nick Saban has been quite helpful to him since he first came to Tuscaloosa. “He has been above and beyond great with me and great with everyone around the program,” stated DeBoer. “If there’s anything we need, we know that we’re a phone call away from getting him.”
DeBoer further added that when he took over Alabama back in January, Nick Saban was “pretty confident” about the program, knowing DeBoer and his team would elevate the legacy he had built over 17 years. Not to mention, DeBoer already proved Saban right by revamping the roster with aggressive recruiting, within the first six months. He even managed to flip key players like Kadyn Proctor and Keelon Russell and more back to Alabama. Hence, the roster looks strong already. And according to DeBoer, they have more than 20 practice sessions to go through before their season opener on August 31 against Western Kentucky. Therefore, DeBoer’s first season with the Tide is highly anticipated, as fans and analysts alike are eager to see how things turn out in his inaugural year.