In college football, there is an age-old saying, “It’s not about if you win or lose, it’s about how you play the game.” However, this phrase seems no longer relevant as Th? Coll?g? Football Playoff (CFP) s?l?ction committ??’s r?c?nt rankings hav? ignit?d a fir?storm of controv?rsy, with th? Michigan Wolv?rin?s landing at No.3 d?spit? th?ir dominant p?rformanc? this s?ason.
As NCAA fans and pundits scratch th?ir h?ads at this d?cision, multiple qu?stions hav? aris?n r?garding th? impact of th? Michigan sign-st?aling scandal on th? CFP committ??’s calculus. Nonetheless, th? committ?? app?ars to b? turning a blind ?y? to th? controv?rsy, sparking criticism from various quart?rs.
“It’s an NCAA issue”
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NC Stat? athl?tics dir?ctor Boo Corrigan, who chairs th? CFP committ??, r?c?ntly addr?ss?d th? matt?r, ass?rting, “Our job is to rank th? t?ams to follow our protocols, and th? Michigan sign-st?aling scandal r?ally wasn’t part of our discussions. It’s an NCAA issue, it’s not a CPF issue.”? Thus, with his statement, he w?nt on to ?mphasiz? that th? issu? at hand falls und?r th? jurisdiction of th? NCAA, not th? CFP.
Really? The College Football Playoff committee is just going to ignore Michigan scandal? – USA TODAY
— Robin Frazer Clark (@robinfclark) November 1, 2023
In th? past, th? CFP s?l?ction committ?? has b??n known for scrutinizing various factors wh?n ranking t?ams, oft?n going to gr?at l?ngths to und?rstand th? nuanc?s aff?cting a t?am’s p?rformanc?. From discussing th? impact of ?arly morning kick-off tim?s to consid?ring body clocks, th? committ?? prid?s its?lf on l?aving no ston? unturn?d. How?v?r, critics argu? that th? omission of a major ch?ating scandal in th?ir d?lib?rations is a glaring inconsist?ncy.
CFP’s r?luctanc? to get involved in the matter
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CFP ?x?cutiv? dir?ctor Bill Hancock clarifi?d th? committ??’s stanc? on th? Michigan scandal, stating, “Michigan has play?d w?ll all s?ason, and as of now, w?’r? d?aling with all?gations only. Th? committ??’s judgm?nts ar? bas?d on on-fi?ld p?rformanc?.” In ?ss?nc?, th? committ?? int?nds to st??r cl?ar of th? scandal, ?sp?cially sinc? th? NCAA’s inv?stigation is unlik?ly to conclud? b?for? th? s?ason’s ?nd.
Unlik? typical NCAA scandals, wh?r? play?rs may fac? susp?nsions for r?lativ?ly minor infractions for instance, th? sign-st?aling saga rais?s concerns about th? Wolv?rin?s’ int?grity. All?gations sugg?st that th? ?xt?nt of th? sign-st?aling op?ration was aimed at providing Michigan an unfair advantage ov?r oppon?nts and this further raises qu?stions about th? cr?dibility of Michigan’s dominating p?rformanc?s this s?ason.
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Whil? th? Michigan sign-st?aling op?ration is now susp?nd?d, doubts ling?r about th? ?xt?nt to which it may hav? influ?nc?d pr?vious gam?s. As Michigan’s upcoming matchups against P?nn Stat? and Ohio Stat? are around the corner, it will t?st th?ir m?ttl? without Connor Stalions’ assistanc?. Th? outcom? of th?s? gam?s will ?ith?r affirm th? Wolv?rin?s’ prow?ss or cast shadows ov?r th?ir r?c?nt succ?ss.
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