via Imago
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via Imago
Credits: Imago
The Colorado Buffaloes have a massive flaw in their play, according to Kavosiey Smoke and Sy?veon Wilkerson. The Running Backs believes that the embarrassing 56-14 loss against the Washington State Huskies would not have been possible without this flaw. It seems like the Buffaloes’ players are starting to realize what the problem is within the team and what they can do to emerge as a powerful contender.
Kavosiey Smoke had dropped a criticism soon after the humiliating Washington loss. Now, another player, a running back, has come out to put forward another problem within the team. Sy’veon Wilkerson emphasized the importance of committing to the aspect of the game that significantly boosts a team’s performance. And what might that be?
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Sy’veon Wilkerson knows what the Buffs need to commit to
The Buffzone on X posted the Rubbing Back’s opinion, “RB Sy?veon Wilkerson believes more commitment to run would have helped CU Buffs.” He emphasized the importance of committing to the run, saying, “We’ve just got to commit to the run. That’s it. If we commit to it and establish it then I feel like we can run the ball.” But does that help? What are the benefits?
RB Sy?veon Wilkerson believes more commitment to run would have helped CU Buffs https://t.co/35ktkjK0BP
? Buffzone (@buffzone) November 22, 2023
Running th? ball can h?lp on??control th? clock, w?ar down th? opposing d?f?ns?, and op?n up spac? for th? passing gam?. A strong running gam? can also h?lp prot?ct th? quart?rback by k??ping th? d?f?ns? hon?st and div?rting th?ir att?ntion away from th? passing gam?. It?can also boost th? t?am’s confid?nc? and mom?ntum, r?sulting in improv?d ov?rall p?rformanc? on th? fi?ld.
The task can be challenging and not to mention, it requires the commitment of the entire team. Everyone, including the O-line, RBs, and the quarterback must chip in the running game. If the Buffs pull it off, It will definitely be challenging to defeat them. Kavosiey Smoke, though, had dropped a different perspective.
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Kavosiey Smoke’s problem with the Buffs
Smok? f??ls th? Buffs could hav? accomplish?d som?thing not?worthy in D?ion Sand?rs’ first s?ason in Bould?r, but following Friday’s 56-14 loss to Washington Stat?, th? s?nior running back spok? out about th? difficulti?s h?’s witn?ss?d b?hind th? sc?n?s.

The RB stated, “Simple fact, bru, we could?ve went undefeated this year. Too much selfish ball going on, man can?t win like that. Gotta play and win as a team, but if u go the other route, u get results like this.”
Aft?r an incr?dibl? 3-0 start that saw Colorado rank?d as high as No. 19 in th? country b?for? g?tting th?ir tails hand?d to th?m 42-6 against Or?gon, th? Buffs ar? 4-7 on th? s?ason and hav? lost s?v?n of th?ir last ?ight gam?s. Sinc? th?n, ?v?rything has mov?d progr?ssiv?ly wors?.
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