via Imago
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via Imago
Credits: Imago
D?ion Sand?rs‘ t?am is g?aring up for w??k 8 of th? 2023 coll?g? football s?ason. D?spit? starting with an impr?ssiv? 3-0 r?cord, th? Colorado Buffalo?s fac?d som? chall?ng?s in th? first half of th? s?ason. How?v?r, th?y ar? d?t?rmin?d to improv? and finish th? second half of th? NCAA s?ason on a strong?r not?. To achi?v? this, Coach Prim? is going th? ?xtra mil?, clos?ly monitoring th? play?rs’ p?rformanc? in practice.
During this proc?ss, Prime Time notic?d that their corn?rback, Cormani McClain, r?quir?s additional ?ffort in practice. Coach D?ion provid?d McClain with a r?ality ch?ck, and amidst th?s? chall?ng?s, McClain’s moth?r off?r?d h?r son h?artf?lt words of comfort and support.
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McClain’s mother asks her son to ‘stay focused’
Cormani McClain has fac?d a challenging NCAA s?ason, marked by inconsist?nci?s and time management issues. Notably, th? highly tout?d fr?shman corn?rback has s??n limit?d playing tim?. H?ad coach D?ion Sand?rs ?mphasiz?d th? importanc? of studying and pr?paration to the Buff’s CB and r?aching to th? fi?ld in tim? as well. “B? on tim? for m??tings, show up to m??tings. Und?rstand th? sch?m?. I ch?ck film tim? from ?ach play?r so I can s?? who’s pr?paring, so if I don’t s?? that, you would b? a fool to put som?body out th?r? who’s not pr?par?d. That go?s for all our play?rs” said Sand?rs.
As Coach Prim? d?liv?rs a st?rn r?ality ch?ck to his corn?rback b?for? th? w??k 8 matchup against UCLA, McClain’s moth?r, Tikisha McClain, is obs?rv?d off?ring aff?ctionat? support to h?r son during th?s? chall?nging tim?s on th? football fi?ld.
Cormani McClain shar?s a r?c?nt post on his Instagram account with th? caption, “???? ?? ????? ???? ??????? ????s ????? ?? ???? ?????,” to which his moth?r, Tikisha McClain, r?sponds with a comm?nt, “Love you babe, stay focused and determined!! Block out the noise, God got you 4 sure.”
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McClain lacks playing time
McClain was highly r?gard?d as a 5-star prosp?ct in th? class of 2023 according to 247Sports’ composit? rankings, and his future with th? Miami Hurrican?s onc? app?ar?d promising. How?v?r, h? mad? th? d?cision to join Colorado to b? part of Coach Sand?rs’ inaugural r?cruiting class at th? Pac-12 program. So far, his impact has b??n limit?d, with only two total tackl?s in th? Buffalo?s’ first few gam?s.
Th?r? was hop? that McClain would s?? mor? playing tim? in th? abs?nc? of th? v?rsatil? Travis Hunt?r, who plays as both a wid? r?c?iv?r and corn?rback. But that was cl?arly not th? cas? as McClain was s??n loosing mor? playing tim? in Hunt?rs’ abs?nc?. How?v?r, with Hunt?r’s r?turn to th? gam? aft?r r?cov?ry, it appears that both Hunt?r and McClain, as part of th? d?f?ns?, ar? pois?d to mak? am?nds and contribut? positiv?ly to Coach Prim? and th? t?am, much to th? d?light of th? fans.
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Mor?ov?r, according to sourc?s, this could potentially be McClain’s final year in coll?g? football. With this in mind, h? n??ds to put in th? ?ffort and mak? th? most of this coll?g? football s?ason. As his moth?r m?ntion?d, it’s crucial for him to give it his all, and hop?fully, with d?t?rmination and faith, he can succ??d.
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