
Fresh from his widely viewed Netflix roast, Tom Brady continues to embrace the comedic spirit. The show featured several of his former teammates, including Rob Gronkowski, who thoroughly roasted the former quarterback. Gronk took full advantage, poking fun at Brady’s running skills and his time with the Patriots, delivering both scripted and spontaneous jokes. Brady retaliated by humorously noting the “low bar for tight ends” during Gronk’s early years with the Patriots. The two exchanged playful jabs, entertaining the audience with their friendly banter.

Their roast-style interactions don’t appear limited to the show, though. Brady even wished Gronk a happy birthday with a playful joke, showing that these friends often enjoy teasing each other. 

Tom Brady’s playful wishes


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Rob Gronkowski turned 35 on May 14, and initially, Tom Brady’s silence sparked rumors of a rift between the friends, especially after the “Tom Brady Roast.” However, Brady soon dispelled any concerns with a playful roast. He posted a photo of Gronkowski on his Instagram story with the caption, “How to make Gronk sweat a little bit… did you think I forgot?” Thus, the GOAT poked fun at Gronkowski’s worry over the delayed birthday wish.


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Brady didn’t stop there, adding a heartfelt message— “Happy birthday to the happiest guy I know.” Even though the birthday wish was late, Brady’s gesture proves their bond remains strong. 

Brady and Gronk’s friendship beyond football


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While many thought Tom Brady and Rob Gronkwoskis’s friendship started with the Patriots and ended with the Buccaneers, they were proved wrong. These football legends share four Super Bowl rings and countless memories filled with laughter. As they both said, their bond grew from “studying football together.” Gronkowski has openly acknowledged Brady’s significance in his life, stating, “I love the guy. He has had a big impact on my career.” Their friendship made the matches fun, with Brady even coming up with a signature celebratory hug for their touchdown moments. Thus, they’ve been a joy to watch on and off the field. 

Throughout their friendship, they’ve seemed to know each other inside out. However, during the recent Netflix roast, Gronkowski jokingly quipped, “Tom’s just like the avocados he eats; I think he’s a fruit, but I’m just totally not sure.” While it’s a funny jab, they’ve spent enough time together to understand what makes each other tick, even if it means playfully making each other “sweat a bit.”