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The Washington Huskies stole the show with their 9-0 performance on Sunday against the 7-3 USC Trojans. However, the Trojans were not the ones to go down without a fight. Despite the Trojans’ defense being on the fritz, the star QB put his best foot forward. Yet, as the Huskies celebrated on the sidelines, former MVP OJ Simpson was vexed.

Well, it is safe to say that Uncle Simpson surely misses his college football days with USC, especially when his team is sorely losing, despite having a shrewd QB like Caleb Williams. Caleb Williams is well on track to becoming the next MVP of the NFL, just like Uncle Simpson, as evidenced by his winning the Heisman Trophy like Simpson did during his days.

OJ Simpson was disappointed with the USC


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Well, nostalgia makes the best of men’s hearts melt. Simpson suffered from something similar following his college team’s another loss. The USC Trojans have been in a losing role for the past few weeks, bagging their third loss of the season. Following the losses against Utah and Notre Dame, the defeat against the untainted record holders Huskies was sour, especially for OJ Simpson. “I was so pissed at USC that my adrenaline was blow,” confessed the former Bills player.

The former running back also reported some sleepless nights due to the poor performance by the defense. “That defense just drove me crazy.” Well, offensively, the Trojans put up a thrilling, cutting-edge competition with their 515 offensive yards against the 572 offensive yards of the Huskies. It was the defensive linemen who fell short on performance.

Moreover, this is not just limited to this game. In the previous games as well, the team lacked in the defense department. As a result, the Trojans’ offensive coordinator, Alex Grinch, is in vigorous discussions about being replaced. Yet, the offense had to pay for the defense’s shortcomings.


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Uncle Simpson’s wise words for Caleb Williams

However, OJ Simpson empathized with the star QB of college football, Caleb Williams. The former Heisman Trophy winner had some words of advice for Williams, who eagerly awaits his induction into the NFL league.

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Uncle Simpson recalled his days, mentioning how he scored multiple records on his name, yet he learned something different after the records. “I thought I could make it happen. No matter what the team was like. I’ve broken records. I did everything. But you win with a team,” emphasized Simpson. Hence, the key takeaway for Simpson in his career was team building, a lesson that he wants Williams to carry with him. Only time will tell how efficiently Williams carries on that legacy.

Watch this story: Following In The Footsteps Of Aaron Rodgers, Will Caleb Williams See The Door Shut In His Face?