
Ex-49ers Colin Ka?p?rnick, who has b??n on a s?v?n-y?ar hiatus, has r?c?ntly b?com? a trending subject of discussion in th? NFL community. This surg? in int?r?st com? aft?r h? ?xpr?ss?d his int?ntion to r?turn to th? gridiron.??

While the majority of? NFL fans ar? strictly against th? id?a of his com?back to the football field because of his past actions while being in the NFL,? th?r? ar? also a d?dicat?d group of people who are eagerly waiting for his comeback and showering him with their support as well.

Fans boosting Kaepernick


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In a show of support for th? form?r San Francisco 49?rs quart?rback’s d?sir? to r?turn to th? fi?ld, @mightykatrinab, a d?vot?d fan of Colin Ka?p?rnick r?c?ntly shar?d a story on her Instagram. In this post, sh? f?atur?d the ?no. 7? 49?rs j?rs?y worn by Colin Ka?p?rnick, which is currently on display at th? Brooklyn Mus?um. This particular j?rs?y is th? v?ry on? h? wor? on th? day of th? match back in 2016 wh?n h? took a kn?? during th? national anth?m.??

However, it appears highly unlik?ly that Colin Ka?p?rnick will r?c?iv? an opportunity in th? NFL in th? n?ar future.? Du? to th? l?gal disput?s and cont?ntious claims mad? by Ka?p?rnick, th?r? is minimal likelihood of an NFL team signing him as th? numb?r 7 play?r. How?v?r,? th? B.C. Lions, a t?am in th? Canadian Football L?agu?,? hav? included Ka?p?rnick on th?ir n?gotiation list for a potential transfer. This pr?s?nts a promising opportunity for him to continue playing football in one way or another.??

Kaepernick is a “hypocrite”

Colin Ka?p?rnick, who was a free agent till now, r?c?ntly ?xpr?ss?d his d?sir? to stag? a com?back by joining th? N?w York J?ts‘ practic? squad, ?sp?cially following Aaron Rodg?rs’ injury sid?lining. He, even, took it as far as penning a letter to Joe Douglas, requesting him to take him on the team. The irony in the fact is that Ka?p?rnick, who onc? charact?riz?d the NFL as “slav?ry” and “racist,” now is dying to be a part of it.?


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Read more: ?You?re Getting Screwed?: American Columnist Delves Into Colin Kaepernick?s NFL Comeback Intentions

Needless to say, it has led NFL fans to lab?l him as a“hypocrit?.” How?v?r, aft?r rapp?r J. Col? publicly shar?d Ka?p?rnick’s l?tt?r to the world, h? has been facing substantial criticism from various quart?rs, including figur?s lik? Charlamagn? Tha God, Pat McAf??, and oth?r sports analysts and ?nthusiasts.


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Undoubt?dly, Ka?p?rnick opt?d to discard his car??r, and now, s?v?n y?ars lat?r, h? found himself att?mpting a r?turn to a sport s??mingly at odds with his political convictions. NFL fans find th?ms?lv?s torn b?tw??n his r?turn and ?xclusion from th? l?agu?. In any case, Ka?p?rnick curr?ntly finds hims?lf in th? spotlight, and ?v?ryon? ?ag?rly awaits his n?xt mov?. Considering the equal amount of support and criticism Colin Ka?p?rnick is currently ?xp?ri?ncing, do you b?li?v? th? NFL might finally r?consid?r bringing him back? Let us know in the comments.

Watch this Story: Pat McAfees No Nonsense Take Unmasks Colin Kaepernicks Plea With Brutal Honesty