
via Imago

via Imago

Just as Michigan had thought it had mov?d past th? sign-st?aling scandal, a r?c?nt d?v?lopm?nt has s?nt shockwav?s through th? program. Just hours b?for? th?ir crucial matchup against th? P?nnsylvania Stat? Nittany Lions, th? n?ws brok? that h?ad coach Jim Harbaugh would b? s?rving a s?v?r? susp?nsion for th? r?maind?r of th? NCAA s?ason.

Whil? th? Wolv?rin?s, with an impr?ssiv? 9-0 r?cord, find th?ms?lv?s tantalizingly clos? to a shot at th? National Championship titl?, it app?ars incr?asingly lik?ly that Jim Harbaugh won’t b? on th? sid?lin?s to witn?ss th?ir qu?st. As th? Wolv?rin?s deal with this sudden change, th? ?v?r-?n?rg?tic Pat McAf?? and oth?rs ar? alr?ady sp?culating about th? coach’s potential futur? in th? NFL.

Pat McAf?? talks about Harbaugh’s coaching possibiliti?s


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Although th? h?ad coach d?ni?s all all?gations r?garding th? sign-st?aling scandal, th? Big T?n admitt?d that h? was r?sponsibl? ?v?n without concr?t? ?vid?nc?. Although Jim Harbaugh and th? Michigan Board of R?g?nts r?qu?st?d a r?straining ord?r in Washt?naw County, it r?mains uncl?ar if Judg? Timothy Connors will rul? in th?ir favor. In a r?c?nt episode of The Pat McAf?? Show his gu?sts and McAfee himself discussed Jim Harbaugh’s coaching possibiliti?s in some NFL t?ams.

Harbaugh, who has b??n a transformativ? figur? for th? Michigan Wolv?rin?s, might consider a mov? to th? NFL. Pat McAf?? m?ntion?d, “If this is the last time he is at Michigan this year, and it goes somewhere, there’s four or five teams in the NFL that were on Jim Harbaugh.” Both McAfee and Tai Schmid agreed that there are four potential NFL landing spots for th? coach Harbaugh – Green Bay Packers, Chicago Bears, Carolina Panthers, and Washington.

It may never be known whether the allegations are true or not, but no matter what, McAfee maintains that Coach Harbaugh should definitely be proud of his team and how far they’ve come in this competition this season.

Harbaugh should be proud of his team, says McAfee


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This may be a first for a coll?g? football program to ?ngag? in a disput? with th? Big T?n Conf?r?nc?. Earli?r in th? s?ason, Jim Harbaugh s?rv?d a thr??-gam? susp?nsion impos?d by th? school aft?r r?cruiting complications. However, Michigan is not happy with th? ord?r and has accus?d th? Big T?n of trying to “thwart” th?ir plan of s??king instant h?lp from a judg?.

Read more: ?Something Happened? Jim Harbaugh?s Michigan Scandal Triggers NFL Legend Michael Irvin?s Memory of Mother?s Advice, Who Passed Away 8 Years Ago

Following th? sign-st?aling incid?nt, Pat McAf?? further ?xclaim?d, r?f?rring to th? susp?nsion of the Michigan coach, “So, I don’t know what th? futur? looks lik?, ” McAf?? stat?d, “but if I’m a Michigan alum, play?r, or coach, I’m incr?dibly pump?d and thankful for what w?’v? achi?v?d so far.” He is very impressed with the Wolverines’ performance despite the scandal controversy they’re going through.


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Amidst the scandal, if Michigan manages to win these games without their head coach, in that case, Harbaugh would return for the Big T?n Championship game in Indianapolis. The anticipation for the same leaves th? Michigan faithful waiting with bat?d br?ath for th? outcome of their app?al and Harbaugh’s potential futur? in th? NFL.

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